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Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, Tara, Maggie, Sasha, Bob, Glenn and Debbie are still going on track follow to Terminus in case the others from prison might be there, Abraham, Eugene and Rosita want to help them and they aren't going Washington yet until they find the others safely.
"So have you got family?" Tara asked to Rosita, "if you don't mind me asking."
"No it okay, you mean if they are alive or not, they dead and I'm not sure about my nephew." Rosita said.
"How old is your nephew?" Tara asked.
"He's 5. I bet he's dead." Rosita said.
"Don't say that, what if he with someone?" Tara said, Rosita nodded.
"He's all I got." Rosita said sighs as Tara hug her when they stop walking.


Rick, Carl, Michonne and Emma kept walking until they saw the sign.
"Terminus?" Michonne said.
"What if the others there?" Carl asked.
"We go there but we not follow the tracks in case, there might be traps." Rick said they all nodded in agree.


Beth was kidnapped. Daryl and Merle ran for a day and never stop but they had to stop to have read, they too late to save Beth and they doesn't know where she goes to, Daryl and Merle sat on floor in middle of road.
"Put weapons down." Unfamiliar voice said as Daryl and Merle look up.
"I said put it down." The man said.
As Daryl and Merle put their weapons down, two people in the man group, grab weapons from Daryl and Merle.
"I'm Joe." The man said, "I'm leader."
"What's your name?" Joe asked.
"Daryl." Daryl said, "Merle." Merle said, "are you two brothers?" Joe said.
"Yes." Merle said, "welcome to The Claimed group." Joe said.
"Claimed?" Merle asked confused.
"Yes there are some rules. One, you find something you have to say claim before somebody does. Two, if you find something without saying claim and others will say claim, they had to keep it. Three, if you don't follow my rules and you die." Joe said the Dixon brothers nodded at him, understand.


Carol found some foods in cabins as she grab them and put it in bags then left the cabin to go back to other cabin that Tyreese and Judith was inside.
Carol about to go back but she heard a scream behind her, she ran toward to sound and found walkers eating a woman, Carol shots them all included Woman, she knew she going to turn.
She sighs and walking back again. 

Don't leave me (Daryl's daughter) *The Walking Dead* Completed. Where stories live. Discover now