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Carol woke up in morning to smell there burning and she see smoke outside the window, she got out of bed and walk to window to see where smoke coming from as she went downstairs to go outside to see Daryl carried little body and throw in fire.
"Thank you." Carol said Daryl nodded.
"Let's go." Daryl said walk away.
Carol watched the fire for while before walk after Daryl to up room again and pack things before go outside to hospital, that where the car was.


Sasha hold Bob hand and smile at him with tears in her eyes, she sighs.
"It's okay." Bob said closed his eyes.
"I thought we could survive in future until if we can find cure." Sasha said.
"It's okay, I could visit my family up there." Bob said point to up ceiling.
"I don't want you go." Sasha said.
"It alright." Bob said sighs.
"Do you want me get everyone come here to say goodbyes?" Sasha said.
"Of course." Bob said smile weak.
Sasha walk out to get everyone.


Daryl and Carol walk in building that opposite the hospital, they think they should stay in building, waiting to see if car come out and go somewhere before they can go inside to rescue Beth.
"I think they won't go out." Carol said.
"How do you know?" Daryl asked.
"I think the reason why that car been out was... getting supplies?" Carol said unsure and shrugs her shoulders.
"And why kidnapped Beth?" Daryl asked, Carol sighs, "I don't know, okay? I was just guessing." Carol said.
"Well then, if you think then we should move on now." Daryl said grab his crossbow and went downstairs.
"I go first." Carol said kneel down and go through the double door that was chained together and wasn't open.
Daryl went in but stopped to see the black guy holding a gun to Carol.
"Put weapons down." He said.
Daryl throw his crossbow to him as he grab it and get his knife to rip the tent that got walkers inside and he left.


After everyone say goodbyes to Bob.
Tyreese closed the door after he leave first, Sasha and Bob was alone in room they they was in, Sasha kissed him.
"I love you so much." Sasha said.
"I love you too." Bob said smile.
"Just closed your eyes." Sasha said.
Bob closed his eyes for having rest.

Tyreese came in to see Sasha was crying over Bob body, Tyreese move Sasha backward, "I do it." He said grab his knife and sighs then stab in Bob's head, Sasha let out sobbing just before Maggie walk in to hugged Sasha.
"He in better place." Maggie said.


Daryl running round the corridor to find the black guy that took his weapons and Carol's too, "stop Daryl! He gone." Carol said sighs, "we should go now." She added Daryl sighs.

Few moment later.
Daryl and Carol found a van and they went there, Daryl got inside to check keys or something inside while Carol stay out to look out, she see walkers coming toward to her and Daryl.
"They coming!" Carol shout.
"Get in!" Daryl yelled as Carol got inside and go passenger seat then Daryl sat next to her, they find something to hold on before walkers push van off the bridge, they fell down and crashed.
Carol was groaning and Daryl asking if she is okay, she said she hurt her shoulder, she may have broken.

Don't leave me (Daryl's daughter) *The Walking Dead* Completed. Where stories live. Discover now