The Henrik's Employee

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A/N: Hey guys! I've had this floating around for awhile and finally got the urge to upload it. I know there are other fics like this but I wanted to try it. Please tell me what you think! I've divided it into parts in my head so watch for that.
Henrik's, March 2005

The shop bell tinkled as a young woman with rather light brown hair and startling green eyes strode in, wearing black leggings and a stylish white tank top.

"Alexis? Is that you, mate? Amazin', you're here before opening!" A voice called from the back of the department store and a blond head peeked up from behind some racks.

"Yeah yeah, I know Rose! Ya need some help back there, shorty?" Alexis hollered back. She grinned as Rose struggled to set some tank tops on a high shelf. Rose turned partway to shoot her a glare and muttered something Alex took as a yes. As she worked her way back, her toes started to tingle ferociously. She raised her eyes to the ceiling and sighed, shaking her head.

Juuusst great. I know my 'spidey senses have been tingling all week but now I know something's going to happen and that something's gonna happen today and I'm probably not gonna like. Then again, it's been a record setting length of an entire year since I've had to run. The peace had to end at some point.

She reached Rose and took the shirts, easily putting them away. She smirked again at her friend's mock glare and went about other various jobs around the store as people started to trickle in. The day passed perfectly normally but the entire time she couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation. Something was about to happen. And that something came at closing.

The man that walked through the doors looked to be around six foot, close in height to herself. His hair was short and black. He wore dark jeans with a navy shirt and a beat-up leather jacket.

"Sir, I'm afraid we're closed for the day. Please come back tomorrow." Alex told him. He looked at her and smiled cheerily.

"Just here for the routine electrical check! Don't mind me," He grinned at her flashing a card, "Could you point me to a lift?" She shrugged and pointed towards a back corner of the store. He nodded and with a 'Fantastic!' strode quickly in that direction. Once he was gone, she sighed and shook her head.

Physic paper? Really? What do you take me for? I already thought I heard your TARDIS. You still leave the breaks on, doofus. Now why are you in town?

Still smiling fondly she took out an odd looking rectangular, metal device and speedily pressed some buttons. After a few whirs and clicks it beeped. She read what it had to say then with a whispered 'Oooooh' she took off after him.


The Doctor was swiftly striding down a hallway stuffed with clothing racks in the basement of Hendrik's when he heard a muffled crash and a quiet hiss of pain. He halted and stood stock still, straining his ears. Another muffled clatter invaded the silence, accompanied by whispered swearing. The source of the racket was just on the other side of the rack he was behind. He crept to the end of the rack and waited.

When the quiet footsteps sounded parallel to him, he leapt out, sonic out and ready.

"Huh? What're you doing down here?" He cocked his head, staring a the employee from upstairs.

"OI! Ya don't just leap out at people and scare 'em ta death mate! And whaddya mean what am I doin' down here? I'm tryin' ta find you stupid!" She ranted, rapping her knuckles against his forehead.

"Hey, watch it! Who are you and why were you looking for me? I'm a bit busy at the moment." He asked, clearly irritated.

She rolled her eyes. "My name's Alexis, AKA no one that you need to know. Down to business. First off, Doctor, your physic paper doesn't work on me. Don't ask why." Here, his eyes widened and his forehead creased. She tossed him a vial of deep blue gloop. "Second, it's a Nestene Consciousness. So you'll need that anti-plastic. Oh don't look at me like that!" He had begun to gape at her, looking incredulous. "I don't know for certain but let's assume it's controlling all the plastic in London. It'll have some sort of broadcaster so find it and destroy it. Got that?" She paused her stream of information to look at him expectantly. He was still staring at her like she had turned blue but he nodded. She suddenly smacked her forehead in an oh-crap-almost-forgot way. After a bit of riffling through her purse, she pulled out a device with a timer taped to it.

"Use this to blow the building. The mannequins have already started to come alive. Oh, and I believe there is a rather pretty, blonde woman wandering around down here. You should probably find her." She finished, tossing him the explosive. He looked looked at it and back up to her, looking a bit lost. She turned and started walking back.

"WAIT! But who are you?! How do you know me?" He asked, grabbing her wrist loosely. Alex turned her head and looked at him. Really looked at him. He gasped slightly, looking into her green, green eyes. They were filled with staggering amounts of loss, despair and pain. Yet there was hope and life flickering in their depths. He released her wrist still staring into her eyes. Eyes like his. Eyes that were much too old for their face and were heavy with seeing death and loved ones being ripped away.

"I'm no one, Doctor. Nobody at all." With that murmured answer, she turned and walked the way she had come from, disappearing into the gloom.

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