The Expert One

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for 130 followers! It means a lot! BTW For the life of me I couldn't get Nine to sound right so he may be a little OOC. It made me mad. So my apologies.


One year later

Alexis was making her way slowly home, meandering down alleys and letting her feet lead her. Her mind way in the clouds and she had a slight smile in her face. It had been a full year since the Henrik's incident and she hadn't heard from Rose since. She also had not run into The Doctor which was very, very good.

She still thought about him of course. He had been rather strange. But she had enjoyed talking with him. Someone she didn't have to pretend around completely was very rare. It had been a nice change. But, a Doctor free zone was a worry free zone and that's how she liked it.

As she was strolling past an alley, a flyer flapping on a post caught her attention. Wandering over, she flattened it, quickly reading what it had to offer. She chuckled.

I guess she did end up going with him. They'd make a nice couple they would. Ooh I'd like to see that.

Just as she was turning to go, a wind gusted out of the alley behind her, stirring up leaves. Her body froze as a wheezing growl faded in and out of existence. Turning her head slowly, her stomach feeling like it was filled with spiders and crawling up her throat, she beheld what she had been dreading. The infamous blue police box had materialized behind her.

Her eyes closed in despair as she heard the doors creak open and a pair of footsteps run out. She guessed it was Rose. Another, slower pair followed a bit later. Alexis kept turned around, standing as still as a statue. To her dismay, the steps walked up behind her. A warm hand set itself on her shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, sounding slightly worried. She tilted her head slightly towards him.

"Yeah. I'm-I'm fine." She replied, jumping a little. She knew her answer was unconvincing and that her face was probably white as a sheet.

He clucked his tongue. "You don't look too hot. Are you sure nothing ha-" At this point his sentence died. She had looked up at him, belatedly realizing he would probably recognize her. And she was right.

"Wait.... Do I know you?" he asked staring at her intently, "Oh! I know! You're that girl from Henrik's! You're the girl from Henrik's!" He exclaimed, looking at her excitedly. "Ooh I've been looking for you! Are you a Time Agent? Free-lancer? Alien? And why did you have a bomb in your purse? Not very practical if you ask me..." She rolled her eyes, panicking inside.

"And why not? Then you don't have to go back to your ship and come back. That way it's handy. " She shot back, avoiding the other questions.

"You didn't answer my other questions." He dead panned, his eyes burning holes straight to her soul. Alex bit her lip, eyes flicking anywhere but him. He sighed.

"Come on, I've seen it all. Mostly. You can tell me. " She looked at him then, a look filled with sad laughter.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. But for now I guess you could say yes, I am a very passive alien free-lancer. Now, I suggest you go face Jackie's wrath," She told him, tapping the poster and smiling a little. His smile widened as he stared at the poster and took off. He whipped around again though and sprinted back to her. She raised her eyebrow, exasperated.

So when he wrapped his arms around her, she was more or less surprised. His body was warm, solid and comforting. She hadn't been hugged like this, like she actually mattered, for many long years. He let go too soon for her tastes and smiled at her.

SalvationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora