The Broken One

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Six months later

Alexis stared out at the water, deep in thought. She was in a little restaurant on a jetty having some coffee and reading the newspaper and pondering the Slitheen incident. She still had little lump of guilt in her belly from running off on The Doc. She shook it off though and hailed a waiter, asking after another cup of coffee.

Just then, a group of four, laughing loudly, strode through the doors. Leading them, was the current bane of her existence, the one and only Doctor. Just behind him walked Rose, hand in hand with a dark skinned boy. His voice floated over to her and she realized that he must be Rickey. The fourth one in the group she didn't recognize. He was tall and handsome with just the right amount of muscle and combed back, dark hair. On his wrist was a vortex manipulator and he wore a long, navy blue trench coat.

Hmmm, might be a Time Agent. Wonder how they picked him up... Not really The Doc's type of companion. Though, if I end up speaking and/or working with them again he won't be a terrible addition. She mused, staring at him, trying to puzzle him out. She shrugged and turned back to her paper, taking a sip of coffee. The Troublesome Trio turned quartet sat across the aisle from her, still laughing at a story the Time Agent was telling that seemed to involve nudity and a great beast with tusks.

They sat there laughing and telling stories for about twenty minutes. Periodically she would look up to find The Doctor staring at her, looking confused.

He recognizes me but doesn't realize who I am yet! Maybe I can still escape...

She turned to the back of the newspaper and was reading an article about how to preserve cucumbers correctly when the paper was ripped out of her hands. She opened her mouth to tell the person off but quickly snapped it shut and crossed her arms when she saw who it was. The Doctor was standing in front of her, scanning the front page.

"And I was having such a nice day." he sighed, turning back to the others. He showed them the picture of Margaret on the front page and they immediately bolted up, ready to leave.

"OI! Ya can't just go around stealin' people's papers mate!" Alex called after him. She smirked as he froze, most definitely recognizing her voice. He spun around and practically ran back to her table. Her smirk grew at his shocked face. He blinked at her as she held out her hand for the paper.

"You?!" he suddenly exclaimed. She rolled her eyes, sighing exasperatedly.

"Yes me. Now can I have my paper back please?" She looked over his shoulder at the other three who had come over, " 'Ello Rose! Rickey old boy how've ya been? And who's the eye candy you picked up Doc? Didn't think he was your type." She smirked at the look on The Doctor's face.

"The name's Captain Jack Harkness. And who might you be?" Jack smiled at her and held out his hand. As she shook it, him she saw The Doctor face palming while shaking his head. She smirked up at Jack and winked. He chuckled.

"The name's Alex. Hey Doc, can I have my paper back now before you run off again to save the planet?" She held out her hand for the paper. He stared at it then her and smiled. He looked at Jack.

"Jack, if you don't mind?"

"It would be my pleasure, Doc." He grinned at Alex. Suddenly she was being carried out over the shoulder of one Captain Jack Harkness. He ran out if the restaurant laughing with Rose, Mickey and The Doctor on his heels.

"OI! HEY! LEMME DOWN LEMME DOWN! JACK HARKNESS PUT ME DOWN YOU IMBECILE! IM NOT GOIN' ON ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR ADVENTURES! ACK!" Jack leapt down the stairs and kept running. With a groan she flopped back over his shoulder. She glared at The Doctor and he smiled and waved at her. They passed through some doors and he finally set her down. She glared at him then looked around.

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