The Changing One

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When Alexis woke up, her body seemed to be buzzing. Propping herself up, she looked around groggily, blinking. She was the only one alive in the room. No Slitheen, no Doctor. That was good. She didn't want him seeing this. A shock of pain ran through her abdomen and she doubled over. Shakily, she brought one of her hands to eye level and stared at it. The veins on the back of her hand glowed sliver. She clenched her eyes shut and painfully stood up, arms spread eagle. Silver wisps flowed around her hands and around her head.


Silver energy blasted out of her hands and head, spraying out. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, the energy pouring out of her. The onslaught died suddenly and she stumbled forward, unbalanced. Looking down she did a body check.

"I still have legs! Great! Okay, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers! All ten! Amazing! Ooh I'm a bit slimmer, nice, nice!" She reached up, patting down her face. "Eyes, ears, nose, mouth! Wonderful, all working properly! Face is a bit more full! Oooh! My hair's veeery wavy! I have VERY good hair! But what color is it?!" Here she clenched eyes shut and pulled a lock in front. Slowly, she peeked her eyes open," Oh. My. God. IM A GINGER YES! HAHAHAHA YES! I'm a ginger I'm a ginger!" She twirled and then stumbled, managing to land part way on a chair then promptly fall off. She giggled and stood up shakily.

"Oooo, not very good steering yet! Oh well, c'est la vie!" She giggled again and ran out the door and through the halls. On a whim, she ran (dramatically and clumsily pranced) to the Cabinet Room. As she slid around the corner, slamming into the wall, she noticed three Slitheen and a portly blonde woman out side of it. They seemed to be talking to someone inside the room. Shrugging, she ran up to them, glimpsing The Doctor in the room. Smiling, she tapped a Slitheen on the shoulder, excusing herself as she slipped through them until she was next to the blonde. She and The Doctor stared at her.

"Yes hello there Margaret! Pleasure to meet you, the name's Alexis! Doctor! So glad to see you again! How's the problem with the Slitheen going? Terribly sorry I haven't been able to help. Incapacitated you know, electrocution does that to a girl! Why are you all staring at me?" She prattled, sounding slightly out of breath and excited. Margaret and The Doctor slowly turned and glanced at each other then back to her.


The Doctor shook his head and grabbed her arm, shoving her inside the Cabinet Room. "Stay. In there. And don't go nuts." Alex rolled her eyes and saluted, grinning widely. When she turned to the room, she was greeted with the sight of Rose and Harriet Jones staring at her.

"Why does everyone keep staring at me today?! Yes! I changed! Big deal!" She shook her head and then stopped, holding her arms out for balance.

"Woookaayyy the world is tilting and spinning. That's not right. Not right at all. I think I need to-" And she fell to the ground with a thud, out cold.


"Nng, what the hell happened to me? Ooh I hurt. Damn it where am I?" Ava blinked, opening her eyes to The Doctor's face very close to hers.

"Aaah! What!? You're staring at me! People keep staring at me?! Why?!" She exclaimed scooting back quickly only to slam her head into a wooden chair leg.

"Ouch! Damn! Ooh, this one's energetic! I like it! Last two have been pretty calm and quiet but this one! Ohoho this one's gonna have adventures I bet ya!" She looked at The Doctor, as if for confirmation. His face was a mask of confusion.

"Okay, look. Who are you?" He asked, his tone like that of a tiger's growl, "And why are you wearing a friend of mine's clothes? If you stole those off her dead body, you nutter..." He glared at her. She giggled again, smiling widely.

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