The First Time

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It was yet another rainy, dreary day in New Jerusulum. I was slaving away organizing the files of the different dissections and being attentive to Doctor Warthrop's needs. Doctor Warthrop was busy downstairs cutting up another strange creature. It was earlier that morning that we discovered a body of a deceased infant Anthropophagus. Doctor Warthrop, like always, was very egar that we haul the body back home and study the different stages of life of the Anthropophagus. I on the other hand, dreaded that idea and even more so, the stench. It wasn't the same gut wrenching smell of human decay, it was much worse. Doctor Warthrop determined the corpse to be about a week dead. The door of the basement was shut but the stench crept through the cracks and soiled almost every inch of the house. I was filthy, and he hadn't called for me for a while so, I decided it was an appropriate time to take a bath.

I listened closely and bathed quickly and efficiently making sure I could run downstairs with haste if needed. I rinsed the wash out of my hair and dried myself. The feeling of having a clean body was more than refreshing.

"Will- Will Henry, Where are you?" I heard The Doctor call from the basement. Even with sleep deprivation I moved quickly as I dressed myself.

"Snap to Will Henry!" He shouted. Reluctantly but swiftly, I raced down the stairs. Doctor Warthrop was standing impatiently in the doorway tapping his foot. His hair and clothes were dirty and unkempt. The scruf on his face was even longer than usual and the bags under his eyes showed just how tired he was and when Doctor Warthrop was tired his patience was even more lacking. His lab coat was covered in bits if flesh from the creature which radiated an awful smell so strong it stung my nostrils.

"Clean up this mess Will Henry and put the organs into preserve jars."

He thrusted a bucket if preserve fluid at me and made his way up the stairs.

"Make sure it's all done by the time I'm finished."

The necropsy table was completely covered in the vile little creatures remains. The organs were the only things that were organized in any way. The notes I took for the Doctor of the fully grow creature were in disarray. He must be comparing the anatomy of the fully grown Anthropophagus to the immature one. I thought to myself.

I scrubbed every nook and every cranny but most of all made sure to 'snap to'. As I filled the last preserve jar, Doctor Warthrop emerged from the stairs. He was clean but that still didn't take away the bags under his eyes.

"Still not finished? I thought I gave you plenty of time." Scolded the Doctor. I payed no mind to him as I finished up labeling the last jar.

"Put those next the the adult Anthropophagus jars."

Impatience and annoyance lined his generally cold voice.

"Yes sir."

As I reached to grab the jars off the table which held the Doctor's utinsels like his scalpel, my elbow brushed one of them and it shattered on the floor in front of me.

"God damnit Will Henry!" He seethed through gritted teeth.

His eyes darkened with something I've never seen before. I knew he was more testy than usual and I also knew making a mistake like that would get me in trouble so to avoid facing his fury, I simply stared at the jar that once held the creature stomach.

With a fistful if my shirt he brought his unshaven face close to mine. His mouth curled into a wicked half smile that didn't even come close to reaching his eyes; they stayed dark and furious.

He took long strides forward until my backside pressed hard against the cold cutting table. Our fronts pressed hard against each other and it hurt just a little but. His skilled hands pinned mine above my head onto the cold table. My breathing sped up and my thoughts were just as confused as my body. What's going on? What's Doctor Warthrop doing? Even though he was a slim man, his frame towered over my small teenaged body. My knees locked as he pushed me closer and closer to the table. I was suddenly fully aware of his lips, the same ones he used to scold me and say such cold things with. I didn't want them speaking I wanted them on my own. What on earth am I thinking!? He brought the lips I was fully aware of to my ear and whispered in a deep, hungry growl.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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The Monstrumologist FanFic- Will Henry x Pelinore Warthrop.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang