Chapter 19: Hate

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    After the date we walked home. We held hands as we talked and laughed together. It was about  2:00 (we got out of the house at after breakfast, which was at 9:00). We walked in and everyone was on the couch. I noticed a long black haired girl, the one I hate, Mai. I scanned the couch and noticed not everyone was there. V was missing from the area. "Why isn't he here with his girlfriend?" I thought with anger.
Me and Jimin said hello to everybody. Jimin tried to take me upstairs so I wouldn't be around Mai but... "Hello (Y/n)! I haven't seen you in a while." I nodded and said hi as I walked away. The boys looked at me in confusion but I just kept walking. "Aw, it's a shame that she doesn't want to talk to me." I could hear her talking to the boys. Me and Jimin walked all the way to my roomed. I told him that I would take a shower. I locked the door a banged my fist on the wall. "Why does she have to be here?! Why does she want to ruin my life?!"
Trying to forget about it I hopped into the shower. I sang my songs and cooled off from my anger. Once I got out I felt way better. I had my towel wrapped around me and I picked out my clothes. I decided to wear V's "Legalize It" sweater. I placed it out on the bed and got some jeans. I grabbed my under garments and was ready to get dressed as soon as I was going to take off the towel I heard a knock. "Hold on!" I turned around facing the opposite side of the door. My towel slipped off my back slowly. As soon as the towel was above my butt the door creaked opened. I turned my head and noticed V standing there. His mouth almost opened and he immediately closed his eyes. "I'm so sorry (Y/n)!" He was completely red and he tried to walk out with his eyes covered. I obviously covered myself with the towel an watched him walk away. He almost hit a wall because he kept his hands over his eyes. Before closing the door he said I'm sorry again.
  I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and got dressed in peace.
   Once I was done, I walked downstairs. Jimin was already sitting on the couch. Mai was still there talking to everyone. I rolled my eyes and went to the fridge. I scanned the fridge looking for some good snacks. "Ima get a drink," I heard Mai say. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the cabinet. I really didn't want to be around her but, "Hi, (Y/n). How's life going?" I sighed, "It's going fine." She smiled and opened the fridge. "Do you know where V is?" I shrugged and said I don't know. I really was trying to avoid all conversation with her. I really didn't want her around me but she walked over to me. "Why do you despise me (Y/n)? What did I do?" I closed the doors of the cabinet with Oreos in my hand and tried to walk away. Unfortunately, Mai grabbed my arm and turned me around. "This is about the kiss isn't it? You are jealous, right?" She looked at me with an evil smirk, "You hated it. I saw you looking. I knew you were crying and then Jimin came. So you went on a date with Jimin. Do you just go to a man after another?" I moved her hand aside. "First of all I am not a hoe if you are trying to say that. Second I don't want to talk about that day ok." The guys all turned around and looked at me. I knew they hear me say that. Hoe and that day was the words that scared me.
I held my Oreos close to my body and ran upstairs. My heart beat so fast and my face was so red. "I hate that girl!!!" I said as I shut the door of my room. I kept my light off and turned on my lamp. I sat on my bed and opened my Oreos. I took out my computer and watched my anime (a/n: It could be any anime you want).
After watching at least five minutes of anime I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I heard a deep voice, "Are you still in your towel?" I chuckled, "Just come in V. It's safe." He peeked in and then walked in. He sat on my bed. "What happened downstairs?" I paused my anime and looked at him. "Well Mai...she said I was jealous about your kiss with her, and I guess I am. Then I.. I went on a date with Jimin. So she said that I go from one man to another. She basically said I was a hoe!" I He looked at me with wide eyes. "I...I"m so sorry. I'm just mad." He hugged me, "You're not a h..h, that word." I smiled and hugged him back. "If we are being honest here well... this morning I was jealous of you and Jimin." I sighed, "Everything is just all over the place." We laughed and agreed. "What are you watching?" I showed him the title. "Oh I like this anime, can I watch to?" I said sure and I covered my self with covers. He sat next to me and covered himself. Together we ate Oreos and watched anime. Soon we both fell asleep.
Sorry I'm taking very long to update but DID YOU LISTEN TO FAKE LOVE!! ♥️♥️♥️

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