I am in Mega- trouble

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       Arcee pov
            I woke up with my arm in pain "Oww" i mumbled as i got up i put my armor back on and walked out. I got to med bay and saw Rachet "Hi Rachet, how was it having someone else fix you?" I asked
"Well he did a good job, when we thanked him he looked utterly surprised. I dont think he gets thanked for his work often" he mumbled as he went back to work. I shared with Rachet ad time passed. "Arcee you will go into battle, but stay on the outskirts. Am I clear?" He saied as bulkhead and bee walked in "A mission, so early?" Bulk complained."I hate early morning missions" Bee buzzed. I sighed as rachet opend up the ground brige. We all walked through to see Megatron, sound wave and starsrceam. They wear just standing there, looking at us.
        "Arcee," Megatron spat with so much venom I was really surprised he didn't melt his own mouth with all of the it " What have you done to our medic?" I asked starting at me. He pointed at me and about a dozen drones came out from the rocks beside me a the team and surrounded us.
"Get her" Megatron ordered. I jumped away but Soundwave put a ground brige below me and the other put about 70fy above me, i fell though. I put my feet frist and right befor I hit the ground. And another ground brige opend right below me. I got teleported on the nemesis. I hit the ground with a 'thud'. Then all I saw was black.

    Megatron pov
         I smiled as arcee fell though the ground brige. "Good luck, Optiums" I saied as i went into the ground brige to see arcee passed out on the ground.  I picked her up and handed her to Soundwave. "Put her in my berthroom" I saied. He just nodded, i slowly walked to the communication room. Just as i entered a video request came up from the autobots. "What do you plan to do to Arcee Megatron?" I heard Optiums ask. "We will see,i am not quit sure yet" I saied. "Please just te-" I cut prime off as i truned the video chat off. I walked to my berth room and saw sound wave holding the door up, he was trapped under it.

    I helped soundwave up. "Wear is she?!" I yelled he pointed towards the direction of the ground brige room. I ran to it, hopefully. Well for me. I ran in time to see the ground brige closed and the controls shot.I snarled in anger, "Soundwave! Find arcee, teleport me to her!" I yelled

    Soundwave pov
I opend up a ground brige for my Lord. I put it in the coordinates to Arcee, she was in the out skirts of Jasper Nevada, she had just left the town. I saw my Lord go through and i followed him.

    Arcee pov
      I saw a ground brige open up behind me
"Rach- Knockout i need a brige" I saied

So i have not updated a while and sorry and i have just got out of S.A.T for 7 per and i have to give a big speech in 1 per now. So.......
Haha ya
I am slowly dieing but I won't let you guys down.
Bye - B.B 🍍

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