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Namjoon's POV

The atmosphere was quiet. You can feel the undeniable tension in the hallway. I am nervous and worried while waiting in the hospital. Y/N was in the emergency room.

I look at Taehyung who was sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall. His head was buried on his left knee and left hand.

He called me earlier telling me that Y/N got in an accident. He hasn't told me the full details yet. Looking at his state at the moment, I think he won't speak. That is not my priority right now. I just hope that Y/N is all right.

"Namjoon! Taehyung!" I heard someone shouted our name and I look at that person. I saw Yoongi hyung running towards us with a worried face.

"How's Y/N?" he asked between his breaths. I just shake my head and look down.

He looks pissed and angry. He looks at Taehyung's motionless form on the floor. He was about to charge at him but I stop him. I give him a sad look and shake my head, telling him not to do anything impulsive.

He just sighed trying to calm himself. He went to the vacant sit near the ER.

The place fell silent again. The tension was back and I found myself sweating a bit. Worried and nervousness was eating me. Suddenly Yoongi hyung's phone started ringing.

"Jimin did you find everything?" He started.

I can't hear their conversation and I bother not to. Eavesdropping is not my priority at the moment. And in this kind of situation, I don't have the will to do so.

Taehyung suddenly stand up and started walking away. I stand up also and started questioning him.

"Where are you going Taehyung?"

He didn't respond and continue walking. I grab his arm and stop him. I made him look at me and I was shocked to see his reaction.

His eyes were so lifeless and for the first time. I was scared of how empty he was feeling at the moment.

"You are acting like the first time we met. Now feeling sorry? If you are you shouldn't have let Y/N in that situation. You said so! You promised!" Yoongi hyung said as if he was shouting. His voice was so loud that it echoes through the hall.

"Yoongi hyung it's not the time to talk about it now," I said trying to calm him.

Taehyung didn't respond. Before I knew it he manages to get out of my grip. He started walking away again.

"Running away again? Yeah, do that. That's where you are good at. Now, look what you did! Everyone was messed up. You destroyed everything Taehyung. And here you came back and destroy everything again! I wonder why you came back after you left us" Yoongi hyung shouted this time. I just look down. I don't know what to say at the moment.

I hope Jin hyung is here to fix everything.

Taehyung stop in his tracks. He slowly turns to us. My eyes widen when I saw his expression. Tears were flowing down his eyes to his cheeks. Sadness and regret were painted on his face.

"I'm sorry hyung" he said and he walked away. We just watched his retreating form until he vanished. When we can no longer see him, I let out the breath that I don't know I was holding.

I was speechless for a moment.

"I did it again right?" Yoongi hyung said and I look at him.

He was seated on the hospital bench head lying down. His hands were on the back of his head. His arm was supported by his legs.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now