Topic: why boys aren't worth it

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BEFORE i talk about this topic i just wanna let the ladies know that their are good men out there it's just our generations are full "wanna be's " , so your king will come soon trust me 😌💞

But let's get started : why boys aren't worth it
Why ? is the question
My answer is i don't know but i do know that at certain age and level of maturity you should be have the knowledge of knowing that some boys aren't because of our screwed up generation. Your probably thinking like "ohhhh but he's this & that "- he probably is but ask yourself this:  do he want you ? Do he Show you love & affection?

Not only to mention some boys aren't worth it because they feel as if they ain't gotta show nobody love - behind the way they treat you or you see them as" hoes" they probably went through some theirselves with their past relationship and it's hard for them and you to overcome things but let them do what they do, their obviously not looking out for themselves so keep doing you and ONLY you.

Plus back to what i was saying about certain age and level of maturity , you can't be having just anybody your "boyfriend " and for age don't be 13,14 & basically young asl trying to find someone who ain't for you and you too young to have one, you gotta focus on bigger shit like school and things you love or least have passion for not some boy who ain't worth it especially. So do you & ONLY YOU

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