Chapter 3

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When I woke up I was in a peace forest, squirrels were in the trees, and the birds chirping happily told me I was safe. I got up and decided to look around for food. I checked different places that I thought would have some type of food. “I hope I come across a deer or somthin….If not I’ll have to eat a squirrel or somthin.” I looked around and saw an elk. “Oh what luck! I’ve got breakfast!” I shot a metal pellet at it from my paw which went through its skull. It fell dead and I trotted over to claim my prize.

I ate everything except the brain and the bones. After eating I stretched and ventured onward. I hadn’t walked about 30 feet or so when I heard a noise in the trees. I looked up wondering what it was. “Show yourself now, or I will attack!” I prepared a small electrical ball that rested at the tip of my tail. The trees rustled and suddenly something jumped at me and tackled me! It was a wolf, and she seemed very nice. “Hi,” she said

. “My name is Tetra!” “Hello…..I’m Zatch” I said as I shook some of the dirt off of my fur.

“That’s a nice name, where are you from?” “I’m from Katridge, do you live around these parts?” “Yup!” I looked around and I realized that this didn’t look like any forest I’ve ever been in. “Hey where am I? I don’t recognize this place…” She looked at me and smiled. “You’re in Youroak. You didn’t know?” I looked around and I looked up and saw the sky was black to the north. “Oh…..right, there not here…” She tilted her head slightly to the left and looked at me with a peculiar look on her face.

“Wait, wait, wait… didn’t see the dark clouds over there? “ We both looked toward the north only to see black clouds bordering white fluffy ones. “Wow! When did that get there? I must have been sleeping or somthin….” As she mumbled to her self I couldn’t help but remember the visions I saw. They were burned in my brain and I couldn’t get them out. As I spaced out Tetra kept mumbling to herself about how could she overlook the sky changing color. After I came to my senses I yawned and laid on the ground, Tetra looked at me and poked my nose. “Hey you have powers right?” she asked. “Yes…and I have to use them to save Katridge….somehow.” She thought and then an idea occurred to her. “Hey! Maybe you and I can travel together, it’ll be fun!”

“That sounds like an awesome idea!” Tetra smiled and said in a playful voice, “I’m in! I just so happen to have powers like you; come on I’ll show ya!” She grabbed me by my tail and dragged me until we reached a pond. “Watch this,” she said. She then closed her eyes and the water started to ripple and suddenly a stream of water flowed from the pond and into the air until it formed into a ball. I stared in amazement as she made the ball into different forms and shapes. Then she froze the ball into ice. It made me think of winter for some reason. “How’d you get powers…?” “I had them since I was a pup.”

“But I don’t have anyone…I’m always by myself, and no one cares.” I lowered my head and then said, “Well we have somthin in common, I have no one either, maybe we can be friends! Her face lit up and she smiled, “Yeah that sounds great I’d love that!” I smirked, I knew I made her happy and that made me feel good. “Well let’s get going, I wanna explore the region, care to be my tour guide?” “Yeah, c’mon lets go! I know a place we can stay for tonight!” “Ok just as long as it’s comfortable…“ Before I can finish she grabbed my tail and dragged me off deep into the Fenryl Woods. When we stopped we were by a cliff that overlooked a beautiful site, The Khanvu Plains.

“Wow……it’s so beautiful out there…just like Katridge.” We both laid down and went to sleep. After 30 minutes however I heard a voice, it was calm and reassuring…. “Zatch, wake up….Wake up.” I opened my eyes and what I saw made my jaw drop, a wolf with otherworldly power and wisdom stood before me. “Good…your up, well then let us begin.” With what…?” “He touched me and suddenly we teleported to another plain of existence. “Where are we, and who are you?!” The wolf looked at me and smiled. “My name is Dominum and you are my successor.” “Say what?!”

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