On the Verge of Battle

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Chapter 18

“So, do you have any news for me Sonya? What about you Coalan?” “Not much sir... my projection has not gotten far...it's just getting to the Evergreen Plains....but it only gets harder there...but I-I'll still try...!” “Well...he hasn't gotten much,” Sonya began, “but the wolves I sent out have been spying on the border, and it seems....that until recently....the only two ways to get back into Katridge is through the Valley, and the Dust lands.” I thought about it for a second, and then thought about how to move according to the what I was told. “I got it, but I'm going to have to tell you later so I can recollect my thoughts.” “Okay, well go ahead we'll be in here planning.” Sonya replied, and with that I walked out of the room. I decided to go talk to Sark. I found her by a small waterfall. “Hey,” I smiled as I nuzzled her neck. “Hey, she replied with a smile and a lick to my nose. I rolled onto my back and stuck my tongue out at her playfully. She responded by jumping on me playfully and licking my muzzle continuously.

“I love you so much,” I whispered into her ear “Love you too,” she whispered back lovingly. I looked into her eyes and her beautiful gray eyes sparkled with happiness. I could only smile and lick her affectionately. “Soon, all of this will be over....soon we can be at ease huh?” “Yeah,” she replied licking my muzzle. I then thought of something, “I should go tell Sonya my plan, and then may I should continue training with Dominum, I'll see you in a little while!” “Okay I love you.” she smiled nuzzling me quickly before I got up and trotted to the lower levels. On my way I felt a presence...something was behind me....it sounded like... “ZATCH!!!!” I tried to turn around but when I did there was no escape....I was knocked to the ground and....licked on the nose...? “Hiya Zatch!” It was Tetra who seemed really happy as usual. “Hey Tetra...what brings you here?”

“Not much just wanted to spend time with ya!”

“Oh okay, well come on!”

She got off of me and on we went. We eventually reached the Strategy Den, we walked in and saw Sonya and Coalan looking over a map that Coalan's projection had made of the Dustlands. “Sonya,” I said as I walked my way over to her, “Yes?” “I remembered what my idea was for entering Katridge.”

“What is it?”

“I was thinking, why not send Trent and the earth, and wind, and a group of Medi-wolves through the Dustlands.”

“Hm....that's a good idea but what about Cyrus and his group would they meet us close to Katridge and then we go in when they've caught up?” “Yeah, well what do you think?” She thought about it for a while and then nodded, “Yeah, that's a good idea we'll tell Cyrus and then figure out a place to meet up before entering, and after we get through.” “Sounds good I'll tell Trent.” I replied walking toward the exit of the den. Walking around the pack territory felt so lively. Young wolf pups playing around happily, older wolves talking and relaxing. It seemed so weird, everyone knew of what was to come but, they were still smiling, laughing, and having fun. I knew war was nothing to joke about but, at the same time, despite the casualties that we may have I was certain, we were gonna win and save our world. Tetra looked at me I could kind of tell she was thinking the same thing. We finally got to Trent who was relaxing by one of the hot springs. “Trent!” Tetra exclaimed jumping into the pool of hot water. “Hiya!” he laughed with a big grin on his face.

“Hey Trent how are you?” I asked with a smile on my face “I'm great but I'm really bored...I wanted to ask ya if there was somethin I could do to help with the war Zatch...y'know something awesome!” I pretended to think of a task for him, so it didn't seem like I was forcing him to do what I needed him to do. “Hm....aha! I got an idea, we needed someone to lead a group of wolves through the Dustlands....It is of course rather dangerous, but because it is the desert you'd defiantly be in your Element.” I let him think about it for a few minutes before I spoke up again. “So what do you think?” “I accept!” he exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. “Great! Well I guess you should know that the Earth, Wind, and Metal wolves, along with a group of Medi-wolves will be coming with you, okay?” “Yeah, don't worry Zatch I'll be the best leader I can be!” I could only smile happily, knowing how good of a leader Trent really was. “Well I guess I'll leave you two alone for now...” I said walking away slowly. “Okay, bye Zatch!” Tetra said while she swam around the pool of water. I walked back toward the Strategy den, and on my way I decided to stop and get a drink from a small pooling fountain close by. I lapped up the water slowly, and when I was done I took a minute to look at my reflection. I saw two golden eyes, black fur, and nose and a rather long tuft of white fur hung from my head. I also saw something that I had completely forgot about: the fang necklace Wade gave to me... “If you ever need me...just blow through this...” I sighed as I looked at the necklace, along with the small lilac Element Crystal, that shared the necklace with the fang.

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