Chapter 10 Movin' On

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 “Gotta….wake…up” I told myself constantly as I forced my body to its feet. I walked toward the gathering area when I felt cold breeze. “What is this…?” I said as my voice quivered with my body at the sudden shift of temperature. I then saw a gold ball of light slowly appear. “I’m guessing it’s a message….” I said blankly. I walked toward the ball slowly and right as I was about to touch it a voice shouted out from the ball, “Hey! Get your paws off of me Zatch!” “Gah! What the hell?!” I stared at the ball and before I could say another word it started bouncing in front of me and then it spoke: “Moving on, I need you to do something for me.”

“What is it and is that you Dominum?” I asked curiously. “Yes, I am Dominum, and I need you to expand the territory.” “To where,” I asked. “You’re going to the west of this forest to the Youroak Crater, I shall tell you who to bring and I’ll throw in this map for ya to use….” The ball then created a map, which went inside my head and imprinted itself in my mind. “Okay…so I know where to go….but who do I bring, and who do I leave in charge?” “Listen to this carefully, Bring along Tetra, Sark, and Trent. Leave Cyrus in charge until you return. Once you establish your territory there I’ll make the barrier to surround it. Oh….by the way, I know about your crush on Sark, I suggest you go for it.” He said in a in a joking voice. “Oh shut up you old fart.” I retorted.

After we had an argument about some random thing he left leaving me to break the news. So with that I walked toward the gathering chamber where everyone was eating. “Everyone, may I have your attention.” Once I said that, everyone turned to me, and with that I continued. “I have to go on a trip and I need to bring along Sark, Trent, and Tetra with me. Cyrus,” I said as I looked at him, “will be in charge while I’m gone.” He looked at me and nodded quietly. “Everyone else shall continue to work on there assigned jobs, if any new-comers decide to come Cyrus, you and Morrigan are to welcome those into the pack is that clear?” “Yes sir.” Morrigan said in an obedient manner. “Trent,” “Sir?” He said as he walked up to me, “I need you to pick someone who will be in charge of the Expansion Team,” “I already got that covered,” Trent replied.

After a few hours of preparation, we were ready to go. “I’ve never been to the Youroak Crater, have you been Tori?” “No, I wonder what it looks like….” Sark replied curiously. “Alright was off, bye everyone!” I said to everyone as we walked off. As we reached the end of the barrier I looked out at the plains. “Ready everyone?” “Let’s get going!” Tetra exclaimed “Alright, let’s go,” I said. And with that I walked out of the barrier. It felt weird at first….like really weird. I guess I got used the forest air…..oh well. (Wait…am I thinking to myself again…? Aw man, I bet the reader will think I’m crazy…..Ah well no ones perfect… Anyway back to the story!)

We walked through the barrier and kept walking for about 20 minutes before we stopped to check how far we had left. “We have a day worth of travel if we keep up the pace…” I said as I asses the distance. “What if we get lost…or what if things at the pack aren’t going well?” Sark asked. “We won’t get lost and I trust Cyrus he’s a good leader. I have faith in him.” Well lets’ keep walking,” I said. We walked for a few more hours and before we knew it was night and we started to set up camp for the night. Sark made a nice fire and Tetra caught fish from a pond nearby.

We ate and talked about different things Trent told some ghost story that scared Tetra and Sark had to calm her down before she felt better. I practiced on my powers by making gusts of wind, firing bolts of lighting and even shooting pieces of metal at trees to improve my accuracy, and aiming. Trent and I had a little play fight where we fought with our powers. Sark and Tetra did also and in the end Sark won against Tetra and I won against Trent. I looked over at Sark and I noticed that she was really powerful, and she was really pretty too. After our little play fights we laid down and went to sleep. A great ending to a great day don’t you think?

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