Chapter 4 Succesor

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“Successor, of what?!” Dominum smiled and said in a very calm voice, you’re the next leader of Heaven Pack. But before I continue with that I should begin with you’re ancestry.” His eyes started glowing bright blue and the lightning-like marks on his body started glowing as well. “The story begins thousands of years ago after years of prosperity and wealth, the world started to become evil in its ways and in its inhabitants. Only 100 years later after this evil spread its main source made itself know….a powerful wolf known as Knox who had mastered supernatural powers came into existence. He was powerful beyond measure, and no one dared stand in his way. He created a pack of wolves which grew into Hellpack. The wolves in this pack were so evil that they became merciless demons with a devilish leader. They tapped into the powers of earth and became masters of elements. They destroyed the world leaving it barren and charred. Little did they know that I was preparing my pack for a full scale war.

I was enlightened with the powers and knowledge of the heavens. As my pack grew larger, the more powerful it became. When I fully unlocked the powers of heaven I used my powers to restore the earth little by little. I dubbed my pack Heavenpack, and in time evil receded slowly and peace started to show itself. However, Knox had taken notice and on a cool spring night, as I looked out on Katridge on top of the Onyx Mountains, A hellish howl cried out and in a matter of minutes war had begun! The elements clashed, and blood was spilled, and casualties were many. Heaven and hell fought it out in the mountains you call home. And on the summit, I was fighting my most challenging battle…Knox was no pushover, he was very cunning….he planned his every move so precisely that I was getting battered while he was prevailing. I knew I had to win, if not the world would fall into a pit of darkness so deep it could never get out. With that thought in mind I gave up a hell of a fight, using all of my power I brought him down with little energy to spare. As I prepared to deliver the final blow, he….begged for mercy! Can you believe it?”

“Um….no it sounds kinda out of his character…” Dominum looked sadden. “Indeed, way out of character. However I knew if he lived evil would come back and scorch the earth. With that in mind I unleashed a beam of divine light that finished him…. used up all my energy though. After the beam seceded he lay on the summit dead. But as I enjoyed my triumph, his body started to turn to dust. I thought it was nothing, how wrong I was. I enjoyed my victory and kept peace throughout the world, From the Onyx Mountains I kept my pack thriving. However….” “Well go ahead…however…?” “However Knox didn’t die without a backup plan, that dust he turned into after his death was a spell. “So the spell….It brought him back but how? He just grew back?” Dominum stopped and then in a very serious but calm tone he spoke once again.

“The spell is literally called “Born from the dust”, with this spell the user dies leaving the body and soul to turn into dust.” “So Knox’s reincarnation is a dust puppy?” He cut his eyes at me and then continued his explanation. “The dust floats into the air and goes where the wind takes it. When Knox died the wind blew south, taking the dust with it. The dust soon entered the system of a pregnant female wolf. “And what do you think happed when the dust got inside her system?” “Uh... she coughed, maybe?” “No….your smart try again.” I thought hard, and then I had the answer. “The dust took over her?” “Correct, and at the same time incorrect, the D.N.A that the dust had took over the unborn wolf fetus and it as the spells name suggest…he was reborn from dust. When the pup was born he was named Torak. Torak had a devilish streak in him, and within a year he became the new leader of Hellpack. With masters of the elements at his, side he grew more powerful than Knox ever was. I was old, but with age comes wisdom…and lots of power too. I had become one of the most powerful in the world, but that was about to change….

One day I felt a presence that I hadn’t felt since my battle with Knox….It was a malevolent and evil energy that shook me too my core. When I peered out of my cave I saw hundreds of demon wolves climbing the mount, with a mighty howl I sounded the call of war and in minutes Heaven and Hell collided. I fought overpowering the opposing force. With my army at my side I dominated the battlefield, with the power of the elements on our side as well as there’s the battle became a siege. Days went by….blood was spilled…and hope was running out. Only when Torak reared his head from the shadows did I have to really show force. We fought on the summit, blow for blow we wore each other down but in the end Torak had beaten me…With me at my wits end I used my most ultimate power, I sealed Torak and the rest of Hellpack into the bowels of the earth leaving the world at peace….but that power had one flaw I would as well be sealed…As I faded away I told my pack to spread and pass the teachings and powers down to your children and make them pass them down to their children. And with that I faded away sealing the Onyx Mountains…..

Now…my seal is broken and Hellpack has been unleashed into the world. And with that I turn to you, my reincarnation. I ask of you….to recreate the legendary Heavenpack and beat the crap out of the army of Hell.” I smiled and thought….I was important after all. “I will, I’ll do the best I can.” Dominum laughed “Alright, starting tomorrow your training begins!” “Yes sir!” “Now then…” He touched me and once again we teleported back to the cave. “Get some sleep you have a long day ahead of you…and if you need help remember to meditate, you might find what you need.” As he faded away he smiled, some how…..I knew what I had to do, and as went to sleep, I heard a bird let out a loud screech. “SHUT UP!!!! I’M TRYIN TO SLEEP!!! And with that I went to sleep.

The Last of Heaven PackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora