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Jacob's POV

"Hello Jacob, I am you Aunt Andromeda."

The words went through his head over and over, and yet they still weren't making any sense. "My dad doesn't have any sisters." Jacob said stupidly.

The girl with pink hair snorted and said "Well she's not your dad's sister. She's your mom's sister."

'Aunt' Andromeda shot the girl a look that silenced her and Jacob thought he was imagining what he saw next. The pink girl's hair turned gray and flattened itself out. Andromeda sighed and said "Sorry Dora."

Jacob looked over to his father who seemed to be mildly surprised but nonetheless calm. Jacob threw his hands in the air and yelled "What in god's name is going on here?"

Andromeda looked at Jacob and said "Like Dora said before, I am your mother's sister." She took a deep breath and said "I'm a witch."

An hour later Jacob was shaking with fury. "So my mom left me." He said. It wasn't a question but he still didn't want to believe it. All these years he believed she was dead. "And you knew." Jacob nearly shouted at his father.

Billy looked his son in the eyes and said "I didn't know either."

Jacob slouched in his seat and put his head in his hands. "I can't believe this." He groaned.

Nymphadora put a comforting hand on his shoulder and rubbed his back. Andromeda looked up at Billy and said "I would like to bring Jacob to where I'm from if that's ok with you. You are welcome to come too If you would like."

"I'm needed here, but if Jacob would like to go with you he may." Billy said as he looked at his son.

Jacob looked between his father and his Aunt and the girl who once again had pink hair again.

"Tell Sam where I'm at, and tell him to tell Bella not to freak out." Jacob said solemnly.

Billy nodded and rolled himself out of the room. Jacob looked up at the two girls before him. The pink haired girl stood up from the couch and nearly fell when she tripped over her own two feet, Jacob couldn't help but be reminded of Bella.

"I haven't formally introduced myself. I am your cousin Tonks." She said.

Andromeda muttered "Nymphadora."

Tonks rolled her eyes and said "If you call me that I will be forced to curse you."

Jacob surprised himself by letting out a laugh. Andromeda walked over to him and said "Hold onto my arm. We are going to travel my way." Jacob hesitantly reached for the woman's arm and without hesitation Andromeda apparated with Jacob.

Jacob did not understand what was happening. It felt like he being squeezed by giant rubber bands. When he felt he would pass out the sensation stopped and he was in a new room. He recognized it to be a living room and he was guessing it was his aunts.

"Welcome to my humble home." She said proudly.

A second later there was a big banging noise and suddenly Tonks was standing next to him.

"Hey you're not puking!" the girl said cheerfully.

"Am I supposed to?"

Tonks laughed and said "I did the first time I apparated."

"What exactly does 'apparated' mean?" he asked in complete confusion.

Tonks slapped her forehead and said "Sorry I keep forgetting you muggles don't know our terms." Seeing the further confusion on his face she quickly said "Muggles are non-magical creatures. Apparation is a means of transportation in our world. It's quite a tricky thing to master but it comes in handy."

"So you can zap yourself all over the world in a matter of seconds?" Jacob asked in shock.

Tonks smiled and said "Yup!" Then her grin grew wider and she said "For Example, we were in La Push Washington, and now we're in England."

"England?" Jacob asked in shock.

Before Tonks could respond, Andromeda grabbed Jacob's arm and turned her attention towards Tonks. "We have to go to Dumbledore. Do you want to come with?" she asked her daughter.

"Why not?" she said with a shrug, then she grinned at Jacob. "Plus I have to get to know my new cousin!"

Jacob laughed hesitantly and Tonks snorted. Andromeda dragged Jacob over to the fireplace and the boys eyes widened as his aunt pushed him towards the fire.

"This is another means of transportation for wizards." She said. "It's called the Floo Network. You take some of this," she held up some powder" step into the fireplace, throw it into the flames and yell your destination."

"How do I know you're not just trying to kill me?" Jacob asked suspiciously. "I mean that is fire you're asking me to step into."

Tonks rolled her eyes and grabbed some of the floo powder. Jacob watched in amazement as the girl stepped into the fire. When she saw the expression on Jacob's face she grinned and said in a clear voice "Dumbledore's office!" then she vanished within the huge flames.

Andromeda put some powder into Jacobs hand and gave him a slight push towards the fireplace. Jacob looked at the menacing flames and shook himself. If these flames ended up giving him third degree burns or something, he would heal quickly…one of the many perks to being a wolf.

He stepped into the flames and gasped when he realized they weren't even hot. He ignored the interesting feelings spreading through him and repeated Tonks' words from earlier. "Dumbledore's office!"

He had no idea who Dumbledore was and where his office was but sure enough after a short nauseating ride through the Floo Network, he found himself on all fours behind Tonks.

Tonks extended a hand to him and Jacob slowly got up. "I think I like apparation better." He muttered as Andromeda Floo-ed into the room.

"Dumbledore should be here soon." She said.

Jacob nodded and looked around the room he was standing in. It was circular and filled with little instruments that looked very complicated. He looked at the walls and saw tons of portraits. He gasped when one of them moved. Perhaps it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

Nope. Sure enough a few seconds later another one moved and Jacob noticed they were all sleeping and breathing. "Are the painting's alive?" he asked.

"Well not exactly alive, but they move and talk." Tonks said. She looked as if she was about to elaborate but the door opened a second later.

In walked an old man who Jacob assumed was Dumbledore. He had very long white hair and a beard just as long. He was wearing dark blue robes and half moon spectacles were placed on his long, crooked nose. He had blue eyes that seemed to sparkle and Jacob found himself slightly mesmerized.

"'Ah, Andromeda I see you have found him." Dumbledore said in a voice that held power and kindness.

Andromeda nodded and Tonks said "He didn't even pass out when we told him!"

Dumbledore laughed and took a step towards Jacob. He extended a hand and said "Hello Jacob Black, I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."

Jacob stuck his tan hand out to meet the pale skin of the older man and they shook. "Have a seat." He motioned towards three chairs set out in front of his desk. They obliged and Jacob was in between Andromeda and Tonks.

Albus sighed and said "Let's get to the most important thing here." He clasped his hands and his eyes stopped twinkling for a moment. "You have entered this world in the middle of a war."

Jacob groaned and said "Great. Another war."

Dumbledore raised a silver eyebrow. "What do you mean? Are the muggle's in some sort of war right now?"

He laughed without humor and said "Yeah probably, but that's not what I'm talking about."

The three other people in the room gave him questioning looks.

"I'm talking about Vampire and werewolf fights." Jacob said.

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