Chapter 5: Her

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We'll leave in a few minutes, just me freshen up first." Andromeda said to her family. She walked out of the room with Ted following behind her. Tonks sat down on the couch with a sigh and Jacob plopped down next to her.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Tonks asked.

Jacob continued to stare ahead as he said "I'm thinking about my friends back home."

Tonks nodded in understanding and then suddenly asked "So is that Bella girl your girlfriend?" When she saw the surprised expression on Jacobs face she quickly said "Well I mean when you mentioned her I saw something in your eyes that sounded corney, but seriously."

Jacob grimaced and closed his eyes and wished he didn't have to continue this conversation. He opened his eyes the slightest and saw concern etched on Tonk's face. For some reason Jacob really liked Tonks and even though he only knew her for a day he knew he could trust her.

"Well its complicated." Jacob started.

Tonks straightened up and looked at him to show she was listening intently. "Here's a long story short. Bella Swan moved to Washington to live with her dad. She met a vampire by the name of Edward Cullen. Edward left Bella and she came over to my house extremely depressed. She became my best friend and I hers, and I was one hundred percent sure we would end up together." Jacob sighed sadly, then with his next words a sneer appeared on his face.

Then one day Bella decided to go cliff jumping-" With a look at Tonks he quickly added "No she wasn't trying to kill herself. Edward's sister, Alice, can see the future and saw Bella jumping off said cliff. Alice told Edward and Edward went and met the head of all vampires to commit suicide.

Bella stoped him. He came back to Washington and Bella chose him over me despite the fact I had always been there for her. And the other day she told me that she will become a vampire after she graduates." Jacob finished and Tonks was silent for a minute.

"Well then I think it's obvious she's not the one for you." Tonks finally said.

Jacob snarled at her and jumped up from the couch and yelled "What would you know?"

"I just think that you deserve better than that, Jake. You need someone who is completely in love with you, not a girl who loves someone else." Tonks said in a completely calm voice.

Jacob groaned and hit his palm against his forehead. "But she does love me, she just doesn't realize it yet."

Tonks smiled sadly and said "She doesn't realize it yet? Really, Jake? You're in denial." Jacob glared at her. "Look, I'm not trying to make it sound like you don't deserve to be loved by her. If anything, I'm trying to say she doesn't deserve you. End of discussion."

Before Jacob think over what his cousin had just said, Tonks rapidly changed the subject. "So tonight we're going to the Weasley's! They're easily the greatest family I have ever met." She said with a smile.

"What are their names?" Jacob asked.

"The parents names are Molly and Arthur. Molly will offer you food the second you walk through the door."

Jacob grinned and said "Lucky for me Werewolves have quite the appetite."

Tonks laughed and continued on with the explanation of the family. "Bill is oldest and he works for the Wizarding bank Gringotts. Charlie is second oldest and works with dragons in Romania." Tonks looked at Jacob expecting him to be surprised about the existence of dragons, but he didn't even blink.

"Next is Percy. Don't mention him tonight. He sort of left the family. Then there comes the twins." A smirk came on her face. "They are the most mischievous boys I have ever met. Their name are Fred and George; don't be surprised if they prank you." Jacob nodded his head and made sure to look out for them.

"Ron is well... he's Ron, Youll get to know him becuase he's your age. And lastly there's-"Jacob didn't get to hear who the last child of this large family was because his Aunt and Uncle walked into the room.

Andromeda walked over to the jar filled with floo powder and handed everyone a hand full. Ted and Andromeda went into the fireplace together and yelled "The Burrow!" Jacob watched as the green flames wrapped around them and whirled them to wherever the Burrow was.

Tonks held her arm out for Jacob and he linked onto it. When they were in the center of the fireplace they yelled their destination. Jacob was surprised to find how used to this means of transportation he already was. When the spinning stopped Jacob found himself in a small cluttered kitchen.

His Aunt was being hugged by a plump woman with flaming red hair, Jacob assumed this was Molly. Jacob also assumed the man shaking hands with Ted was Arthur. Molly Weasley let go of Andromeda and grabbed Tonks in a bone crushing hug.

After that she stepped closer to Jacob and took in his appearance. Without hesitation she reached out and gave him an equally crushing hug. "Welcome Jacob, dear."

Jacob was stunned by this woman's kindness. She barely knew him and yet it was like she was welcoming him into the family. She stepped away from him and yelled "Ronald!"

A few seconds later a red haired boy with freckles came down the stairs. "Ron, this is Jacob." Ron seemed to have been expecting him as he didn't ask any questions about who he was.

"Ello." Ron said, holding out his hand. Jacob shook it and Ron said "Here, I'll take you on a tour of the house."

Mrs. Weasley smiled at her youngest son as they walked out the kitchen. The second they were out of earshot Ron's smile faded. "So your mum is Bellatrix Lestrange?"

"Apparently." Jacob said coolly. Jacob didn't really like the tone of voice Ron had, it almost sounded suspicious.

Ron stopped and said "If you're spying on our family for her I will murder you."

Jacob was stunned by this boys attitude. "I just found out today of my 'family history.' For years my father and I have thought my mother was dead. Instead I find out she's a psychopathic evil woman." Jacob said.

"Oh." Ron said quietly as Jacob snorted in un amused way. "I thought maybe she was using you or something."

"Nope." Jacob said.

An awkward silence spread between them as they walked up the staircase. "Um that's my brothers room." Ron said in a pathetic attempt of changing the subject. Jacob didn't say anything partly because he was still a little miffed at Ron for accusing him of being a spy, and because something odd was going on with him.

He didn't know how to describe the feeling. Something was trying to pull him outside. Jacob felt it would be rude to just walk out there himself, but he needed to get out there. "Hey, Um, could I see your back yard?"

Ron raised an eyebrow and said in a confused voice "Ok?"

They walked back down the staircase; Jacob speed walking with Ron trying to keep up with him. The closer Jacob got to the back yard, the more intense the feeling in him became. Soon enough they were outside.

"Hey Gin!" Ron yelled at a red haired girl with her back to them.

The girl pulled something off the ground that was small, fat, and alive. She then spun it around and shot it through in the air. "Gnome duty?" Ron asked.

"Yeah. I swear if i have to do this one more time this summer I'll hex-" Then she turned around.

The second Jacob had stepped out the door his head had snapped towards this girl. He felt some impulse to get closer and closer. When she turned around and met Jacobs eyes, His world stopped.

It was just like Sam had said. Gravity wasn't holding Jacob down anymore, it was this girl.

Jacob Black had just imprinted.

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