left leg right leg,right leg left leg, left leg, right leg.'

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Chapter 14: 'left leg right leg,right leg left leg, left leg, right leg.'

"There comes a time wherein you'll feel like you're teetering between right and wrong, standing in that fine, carefully drawn line that you've made for yourself. There also comes a time where you have to choose to either step to the left or to the right, or risk falling and hitting your head. Of course sometimes, you wouldn't know which side is right and which side is wrong. Sometimes, you just can't tell anymore, because your heart and mind are two different entities that seem to be at war which each other for every second if the day."
- jasper

"We always hurt the one we love. We love so much, but we search just as much. It's really only the people we love most can hurt us the most. While smiles are a measure of love, tears are as well."
- jasper

"Some people say crying makes one weak, but id like to think otherwise. I think it's beautiful how some people can be strong enough to be expressive, how some people can care and love enough to shed tears for someone else. The rest of the world like to pretend to be strong, to put on layers and layers of facades to placate their sense of insecurity, but it annoys me that everyone's gone numb. Is there that much hurt in the world that everyone has to have so much protective measures? I guess so. But for the small few who are very much aware of how painful the world can be, but continue on without the facades? My heart goes out to them."
- jasper

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