These four walls

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Chap 21: ' these four walls'

"I feel like I've lost something I haven't even gained - an ending to something that hasn't even begun. Just when my fingers were beginning to close over it, to hold it and love it and have it as nothing else but mine, it slips through the gaps that I can't fill. I feel it slip past me and watch it go. It was right there infront of me, but now it's going and going until it's gone. It's happened so many times before that you would have thought I was used to it by now. But the thing is, it wouldn't hurt as much as if I was used to it."

- Claire

" this is what scares me about love. Why does it have to be so complicated ? Oh that's right: if love wasn't complicated it wouldn't be special.

The things we do to have something special."

- Claire

" I learned that we humans like to build walls around ourselves. We stand in our own little box and from the inside it looks like we're protecting ourselves. But from the outside, it's a cage that keeps the happiness away. There are four things that make up the four walls caging us in: fear, hurt, anger and disappointment. We may not realize it, but these four walls now become the center of our lives. They're the only things we ever look at inside that little cage of ours. And the funny thing is that there's only one thing that can break down all those four walls. It's a seemingly tiny thing that is taken for granted, an under estimated treasure that is worth so much more than it takes credit for : love"

- Natalie (Ezra's mom)

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