Chapter 7

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I wake up in the morning and I am so confused. I have absolutely no memory of what happened last night. I remember up to when Brandon confessed his feelings to me. I really still can't believe that happened. I turn to my side and I almost have a heartattack. Brandon is asleep right next to me, in MY bed. WHAT?!? What happened? Did I tell him just spend the night? Did he leave and just decide to come back? Wait... did we have sex??? Oh my god. Nah, we couldn't have. That's a little too far, especially since he's technically still with Charlotte. My thighs are kind of sore though. I get up and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Oh mannn, I'm a mess. I don't know what happened. I notice that theres a red spot on my chest. Hold up, is that just from sleeping or is the a mf HICKIE? Woah man, I think more went on last night. I kinda have a headache. Oh whatever, what ever happened last night, I'm glad it happened, whatever it is.
I go lay back down and Brandon moves to his side. He's shirtless. Woah. That's hot. I'm kinda curious so I kinda peak under the covers. Oh my god and would you not believe, THIS BOY IS IN HIS BOXERS. I am highly convinced we got a little freaky last night. I blush at this thought.

I quickly pull up the covers cause he opens his eyes. Gosh, he looks so cute without his glasses.
He smiles. "Good morning, beautiful." Wow. That sexy morning voice. His voice is already so attractive but I think that just made me nu- nvm. I smile back and say good morning back.
"So uh, do you know what happened last night? Cause I have no memory." I laugh

He lays there and thinks. "Hmm. Yeah, I don't even know myself." "Wait. Wait, it's coming back to me." He sits up, takes the covers off, and smiles while saying this. I smile in excitement of knowing that he knows.

"So I confessed my feelings.." He starts.
"Haha. I know that." I smile.
"Umm we kissed.." This made me smile harder.
"Andddd, we were making out like a lot, and uh, haha." He starts smirking and laughing. Oh my god Brandon, don't tell me. I look down and his crotch area grows. Woah, he must be thinking of something real nice.

"Well uh, *smiles at me* we just did, a lotttt *his crotch area grows bigger after saying that*." Wow. I knew it. We did it. Oh my god. What. I .. my mind can't even function at this thought.

"So , I guess that explains this red mark on my chest then huh." I point to it and chuckle.

"Ohhh, yeah, I did do that." His bulge is even bigger now. Wow. Is he really that attracted to me? He loves it that much? Damn.

"Well.." I start to say but he distracts me while he rubs my arm. He sure does really know how to treat a girl. I love it so much. I don't know what his parents did but damn, they have raised this boy good. "We should be getting out of bed now don't you think, bad breath?" I laugh. He laughs back and shoves me and lays back down. He looks at me, smiles, then gets out of bed. "Yeah we gotta hurry cause we gotta go to our house."

"Wait , our house?" I ask confused.

"Oh, I mean the boys and I." He laughs

"Ohhh. Haha. Oh that's nice! I actually get to meet them for real for real now!" My inner fangirl now came out. I'm so attached to Brandon but I love all of the members. Oh my god! Wow I can't believe it. I'm so excited oh my god.

Me and Brandon stand outside my house and wait for the uber to pull up. He hold on to my waist and I lean on him. He gives me a soft kiss on the forehead. "Brandon." I say.

"Yes, darling?" He responds. I love when he calls me that.

"How did we escalate this quick?" I ask.

"I don't know. Like I said, there's just some spark in you that I just can't resist." He was gonna say something else but the uber arrives and we get in. The whole ride, he held my hand and i leaned on his shoulder. It was amazing. I felt as if we were a real couple. But maybe I should calm down, after all, he's still with Charlotte. But I mean he's the one who kissed me first sooo.

We get out of the uber and walk up to their rented house. My heart starts to beat fast. I'm about to meet my idols. Before we open the door, Brandon gives me a hug and notices I'm shaking. "What's wrong bby?" He asks.

"Oh nothing's the matter. I just, yall are my idols, and I'm about to meet the 4 I have never met in my life. I'm so excited oh my god I don't know what to feel."

"Awww haha." He laughs. "Yeah we're pretty chill when we get to hang out with people."

"Oh yes, I know Brandon... I KNOW. I've been a fan for a year."

He laughs. He gets his keys out and unlocks the door. He motions me inside. My heart rate rises. I look around and it looks a mess. They just moved in so that explains why it looks so messy. I sit down on the couch. Somehow, it looks just like their house they have in La. "Uh Brandon?" How come this house looks very similar to the pretty house in la?" I ask

"Oh we had a few people model it for us so we can feel like at home." He responds.

"Oh wow, that's nice. Might as well just stay here in Florida don't you think? Haha I'm joking." Ehhh , I shouldn't have said that.

"Ahh, nah. I would to stay here, get to see you more often. Honestly, I don't wanna leave cause of you." Awww. Hasn't even been a week and he's already so dedicated to me. This is too sweet. "But yeah, unfortunately, we're gonna have to move back to la soon." He continues.

"Aww , well we should make these moments last while you're here." I respond. Brandon smiles. "Yeah, I wanna spend most my time with you darling." He says.

"Can you do that again..." I ask nervously.

"What... darling?" He says while biting his lip. "Yesss." I smile. "Darlingggg." He repeats hisself a few times and then leans in for a kiss.

"Wait, so where are the boys?" I ask forgetting why I'm here. "Oh they should be here pretty soon." He responds. "But in the meannn timeeee..." He stops his sentence and leans in for another kiss. He lays me down and gets on top of me. He rubs my thigh up and down. " You like that, love?" He asks. I nod and he continues, but turns me over for me to lay on top of him.

We hear a knock at the door. We immediately stop. The knock continues but this time I hear a "woo hoo" in the distance. My excitement rises and I can't control myself. I scream inside cause I don't want to embarrass myself in front of Brandon. They open the door. And there they are. Austin, Nick, Edwin, and Zion. Oh my god they look even better in person. Wow. I've been knowing Zion is taller than a tree but damn, that boy could barely fit through the front door! And Austin, wow, his hair is so beautiful. I've always looked at Austin as a brother. He's just so loving and caring. Almost like an inspirational brother i've never had. Nick. Wow, this guy is always so fly. But,he isn't AS short as I thought he was gonna be. And Edwin, oh Edwin. The one I did start off wanting to date. Man, he is so cute. He cut his hair off a few months ago but I see it's growing back. Wow. But he's so short like woah. I knew that but , he's like a little gum drop, haha. But I don't know, I guess my feelings are still here for him, but I think Brandon has taken my heart for good.

All of them come in the door with a big smile oh their face. They all great me with open arms(haha pun) and give me a big group hug. I give them all individual hugs after words. "So you is the og beanz everyone's been talkin' about huh?" Nick says

"Mhm, yup that's me!" I say with excitement. *All Together* Zion : Ayeee that's wassup , that's so cool(higher voice)
Austin : Oh my god this is amazing wow
Edwin : Ok ok , ok I see you
Nick : Niceeee

"Well I'm glad that uh *turns to the boys* we all could make it here!" Edwin says.

"Yeah man, it's really dope that we have such a dedicated fan that could convince our management to change their mind about going to different cities like these." Zion says.

"Awww, thanks guys. Wow. This is amazing that you guys could even come!" I feel like I'm gonna tear up but I hold it in.

"No really.." Austin begins to say. He comes up to hug me. "Thank you for being here for us. You don't know how much this means to us. Every little bit of support helps us out in our career and we really do appreciate it so this is our present to you." I almost start crying but I hold it in. Wow. This is so precious I can't take it.

"Well uh, we better get going cause this week is gonna be long." Brandon adds.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"We , ALL are gonna hang out all week!" They all say. Oh my god wow really? A whole week hanging out with PRETTYMUCH? This can't be real. Wow I love them.

Don't Tell Charlotte: A secret love storyWhere stories live. Discover now