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I watched as she walked past me. The usual black dress with grey boots whenever her boyfriend dumped her and she showed up at this bar. Her hair was a sort of light brown and her eyes were a greenish blue. It always brought a sort of sad smile to see her in here just because I knew why she was. The bartender kept giving me drinks as if he somehow knew. No one knew. That I was gay.

Okay I can't say no one, my old friend knew but after she found out she left. I guess I can't really blame her. I don't keep too many guy friends for that reason. Or really any friends at all. My seat was starting to get uncomfortable so I got up and walked over to her. 

"Hey, I've seen you around here a few times." What a lame starter. 

She lets out a small laugh. "Yeah, my gi...significant other decided that I wasn't good enough so they upped and left."

Significant other huh.

"Just out for a drink alone then?" I sort of start backing away.

"No! I mean you're fine. I needed someone to pull me back to reality anyway. Kinda was day dreaming and in this type of place that's kinda dangerous." We both look around and nod in agreement. "Besides I see you here as much as you see me."

I didn't quite understand what she was trying to get at. "I'm sorry?"

"You're here as much as I am. Sitting in the same spot, drinking the same drink." 

"Ah yes, well, I umm." Someone taps my shoulder.

"Hey pretty ladies." An old drunk guy, maybe 40 some, was the one that tapped my shoulder. "Just thought I'd take the time out of my day to tell you both that you look absolutely gorgeous."

"Uhh thanks." We both say. 

Then the older man comes closer behind me and starts to put his arms around my waist. I didn't want him to touch me and for some reason looked at this bar woman with fear.

"Hey that's my girlfriend! Get away!" The girl grabs my hand and pulls me away from him.

Of course me and my clumsy butt decided to go with momentum. I fall into her arms and my lips landed on hers. And oh man they tasted great. She's surprised at first but doesn't pull away, in fact she's pulling me closer. I can't tell if this is for the act or she's actually really wanting to kiss me. Her arms wrap around my waist and one of her hands goes down and grabs my left butt cheek.

"Didn't know I'd be getting a show." His comment made us break up. 

"Get out of here you horny b*stard!" He grumbles and walks away, her attention comes back to me. "Are you okay? Did I go too far? I wanted to make it believable." 

"Yes, I'm fine." My heart sort of drops, I don't think she meant to kiss me. "You were good on your feet."

"I try my best." It was as if her eyes were looking into my soul trying to find something.  "Oh, I never caught your name."

"My name is Violet."

"Nice you abruptly meet you, Violet. My name is Rylen." Rylen smiles brightly and takes a sip of some drink. 

"I better get going Rylen..." I just wanted to go home and cry.

"But... I would feel better if you stayed." Her eyes were irresistible. 

I look to the door, and then back at those d*amned eyes. "Sure."

I loved seeing her smile. When I say yes, she gives me it and it was like a drug. We talked for what seemed like several more hours. Then she grabbed my hand and took me into the middle of the bar. 

"You can dance right?" Rylen asks.

"Uh I mean sure yeah but not in the middle of the bar!" I look around to people staring at us. 

"Well come on stiff bones." She gives me a devious smile and starts dancing. 

Her hands go up and so do mine. We started dancing in the middle of the bar, probably looking like idiots. However when I'm with her, dancing or not, feeling like an idiot is the last thing I think of. I just wanted to pull her close and kiss her again. She started to back her butt against me. At first I thought it was a joke but then she just kept going.


"Yes Violet?!" She yells.

"What are you doing?"

"It's called grinding honey." 

"Well, yes I know..." Then her butt touches me and goes up and down on my front. "Rylen I don't know about this." 

"Just grab my hips."

So I do. I felt like an idiot just standing there not really knowing what to do. Here was this girl that I had been crushing on for like months and she was grinding on me. She was a very good lead and it felt so good.

Suddenly she stands up, turns around, grabs my ass, and pulls me towards her. As I've been down here before I'm not the most coordinated.  And the same results happened. Her lips started sucking on my bottom lip.

As much as I didn't want to pull away, I had to say this. "Rylen you're drunk!"

"No I'm gay, just like you." And I saw that devious smile again.

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