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"It's like the drama department hates us

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"It's like the drama department hates us." Vanessa complained as she and Talia were hanging out their costumes to dry. 

Talia laughed, hanging off her crutch as she placed a ghastly dress over the rope they had hung, "We ruined their production of The Glass Menagerie. They have a right."

Vanessa thought about it for a moment, dropping her crutch, Carly coming back with the last lot of clothes, "How you doing?"

Letting out a sigh, the brunette answered her blonde friend, "Surviving."

Talia cheered, "That's the spirit! Keep it light and positive!" She started to crutch away, planning to hang up another piece of clothing and tripping over absolutely nothing. Lucky for her, a bench was right by her side to catch herself on.

*Talia giggled uncomfortably, "Oppsie Daisy."*

Carly and Vanessa stopped their talk to look at the girl, "I'm fine! Just a little fall." Not that a little fall is what sent Vanessa back to the beginning with her injury.

Beckett had his eyes locked on the girl in her crutches and a goofy smile from the moment she tripped over. He was mid-conversation with Spencer, but when she stumbled over, his eyes never left her.

Spencer nudged Beckett and nodded over to Talia, "You alright, man? Just creepily staring at my sister. If you have a crush on her, just know she's dorky. Talks about musicals and Star Wars all the time. You don't seem like the type to like the dorky ones."

Beckett shrugged, "I happen to like Star Wars." He watched as Talia laughed at something her friends said before going back into the school with her neon orange top blending in to the colourful students of Keaton.

Spencer just watched Beckett with a face of disgust, "Man, that's just gross."

Cassandra wasn't Talia's biggest fan. They didn't hate each other, but it wasn't a friendship either of them wanted to pursue. So when Cassandra approached Talia during her lunch break as she stared at her untouched food, she was shook.

*Talia furrowed her eyes, "What's going on?"*

Cassandra cleared her throat, "As you know, before the... Incident you were a prima."

Talia was even more confused than ever now. What was Cassandra doing? The brunette popped her Diet Coke open, "Sí, and now I'm injured." 

"Helsweel showed me a video of your choreography from last year." Cassandra grimaced, closing her eyes as she prepared herself for what she was going to say next, "I would like you to help choreography the Primas. And when you're better, you can have your position back."

*A grin spread across Talia's face at the thought of joining the Primas again, doing a victory dance and almost singing, "Imma be a prima, imma be a prima."

Allegro (Beckett Bradstreet)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu