Music Mania

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"1234, 5678!" Talia repeated over and over as she watched all the boys perform here routine in front of Helsweel, "Joe, stretch that leg!"

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"1234, 5678!" Talia repeated over and over as she watched all the boys perform here routine in front of Helsweel, "Joe, stretch that leg!"

Ending it in the middle, Ms Helsweel already had something to say, "Beckett, where was your spot during your last toure? I need to see focus!" She called out as they all started to remove their belts, "Miss Marlowe... I didn't hate it."

Talia smiled slightly at the compliment but it faltered quickly when she noticed Vanessa's stare.

*"It's safe to say that Vanessa's a little jealous." Talia shrugged, "But, I've had a longer time choreographing. Soon Helsweel will let her choreography. Surely."*

"Dancers! Eyes front." Helsweel ordered, walking in front of them all as they made a line, "I've decided to mentor two students. One male and one female who will compete in a duet at the CAMDA's. The importance of this opportunity will not be understated. The pair I've decided to coach are..." She paused for dramatic effect, because even Helsweel loves tension, "Carly... And Sasha... Or Carly and Beckett."

Talia's eyes shifted nervously between Beckett and Sasha, already feeling the tension rise as Sasha turned to stare at the smirking boy. 

Talia tuned out of the conversation, focusing fully on the blonde dancer. He'd practically plagued her mind since they'd been back at school and it was driving her crazy.

"Tee? You okay?" Jenna walked up to the girl, "You zoned out."

Looking at her friend, she sent a smile smile in her direction but it was obviously faked. Jenna nearly frowned.

*"It's probably cause she wants to dance at the CAMDA's." Jenna shrugged.*

*Talia glared, "This boy needs to stop being so... UGH!"*

Talia sat on a table bench in the courtyard while classes were running. It was her study period, meaning she could relax and do some actually homework, something she was falling behind on, "Come on stupid brain, work god dammit!" She whacked her head against the table.

"Now that can't be healthy." Beckett popped up next to her, sitting down next to her and passing her a cup with what he'd seen her drink a lot since joining Keaton. Tally was a tea manic, "What's up Tally?"

*"Awkward silence, awkward silence, he looks so good today, awkward silence, stupid smile, stupid heartbeat, leave, don't embarrass yourself, turn, leave." She stared wide eyed.*


"What's with calling me Tally?" She questioned, still looking at her English homework and picking up the tea. Sipping it she nearly let out a moan at the taste of the green tea, "It makes me sound like some math thing." Talia let out a huge sigh as she crossed out the same word she'd been writing for the last five minutes, "How do you spell serendipity?"

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