Meet the Crazies

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"Are you excited?" Spencer walked up to his friend

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"Are you excited?" Spencer walked up to his friend. Even though Beckett and Spencer were on two completely different courses, in different years, something clicked with them. And Spencer found it hard to find a click with someone who didn't want something from him.

"Excited for what?" Beckett questioned, hoisting his dance bag further up his shoulder as they stripped down the hallways on their way to the last lesson of Friday. 

Spencer stopped short.

*"She hadn't asked him!" With wide eyes he shouted, "Mom's going to be sooo angry!"*

He placed a hand on Beckett's shoulder, stopping him from walking to, "Friday? The family party thing my family does?" Beckett just seemed clueless, "Talia hasn't invited you? She normally invited all her friends."

*Beckett grimaced, "Friends..."*

"Doesn't ring a bell. I'm guessing I'm invited by you now, though." He cheekily added in, "Since I'm your friend."

Spencer grinned, "Oh, you are so there."

Talia didn't know whether to invited Beckett or not. It was a problem she'd been questioning all week. She normally invites all her friends but, were they friends? She couldn't help but feel like what Beckett and her had wasn't friendship. 

Whatever they had wasn't like Talia's friendship with Cee, Vee, Sasha or Jenna. Maybe it was because Beckett was a boy, but Sasha was a boy too. So, what was wrong?

"UH!" Talia let out a sound of aggravation as she came out of her pirouette, "Stupid spotting! Focus! You can't mess this trio up cause Jenna and Carly are depending on you."

"Talia, you've got this. You've hit the movement 15 times. You can do it, Helsweel wouldn't have asked you to do a trio for the CAMDA's if you weren't." Jenna commented to hopefully ease her, "What's wrong? You're not as focused as you usually are."

Jenna was helping Talia get her technique back. That's why Jenna was such a good friend, because she was willing to go the distance in order to help her friends, "I'm just stressed about tonight. Julian's going to be there and there's always drama between him and Spencer. Normally ending up in some big music battle."

"I'm sooo excited for tonight!" Jenna admitted, "I heard about your parties ages ago and they're like balls! I brought about seven dresses just to make sure that I'm dressed appropriately."

"I can't wait for you to meet all my cousins! All musically trained, dance trained or art trained, it's brilliant! Especially the dancing that happens, I think you'll be shocked." Talia tried a pirouette once again, tumbling a little, "The truth is, I'm confused, Jen."

Jenna walked over next to her, practising her own pirouette, "Confused? About what?"

"Beckett. I don't know where I stand with him." Talia felt relieved finally saying what was on her mind, "I don't know if I'm friends with him or not."

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