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There's an insane flurry of activity and I'm unceremoniously thrown from the room while they remove the intubation. They're all barking things at each other, rushing to check vitals. I see Lindsey look around, a bit of panic on his face as he takes everything in. He's still groggy, but he sees me through the window and the corner of his mouth turns up.

Everything looks good, apparently, because after a few minutes they clear out and I hear Lindsey ask for me. A nurse turns and waves me in, and I can't help but grin.

"You asshole!" I say, laughing and crying at the same time.

"I told you I'd be fine," he says, I know he's right this time. I sit on the edge of the bed and grab his hand, grinning stupidly and completely out of words.

"How long have I been out?"

"Well, it's Saturday night. So, three and a half days. Too fucking long."

"Are the kids freaked out?"

"I've just been telling them that you need rest. But they're kind of over it. You should probably talk to them."

"I will." Silence settles over the room, punctuated by the beep of the monitors. He staring at me intently right now, and if I wasn't completely exhausted I'd be really self conscious. "Stevie, you are the only person I want around when I almost die."

I thought back to the few times I'd almost died, and I understood. I didn't want anyone else around when I almost died either. It was always him. "You look like hell."

He flashed me a smile that made my heart flutter. "You're beautiful."

"I'm really glad you aren't dead," I whispered, leaning forward to kiss his head. "I'm not ready for a world without you, Linds." He doesn't respond, but I feel his hand tighten around mine, his eyes closed now. "Rest, baby."

"I love you, Stevie."

"I love you. Get some rest, baby. I want to get you home."

"We're going to live together, right? Forever?"

"You want me to live with you?"

"Mm hmm. Stay with me. We'll... you'll have my castle. Princess in a castle. Pretty pretty princess." He closed his eyes, and his face looked so relaxed.

I giggled a little. "We'll talk about it, baby."


"Yes. Get some sleep. I'll be right here, okay?"

"Lay down." His voice was a whisper now, hoarse from the intubation.

"I have to sit in the chair."

"With me," he said, patting the hospital bed. I looked at the tangle of wires still attached to him and thought better of it, but my body ached to be next to him. I  got as close as I could, kissed his forehead, and put my hand over his heart.

"I'm so glad you're going to be okay," I  said, planting more kisses on his face. "I have no idea what I would do without you." He breath evened out as he dozed off, but I     couldn't bring myself to leave the bed just yet.

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