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"Hi there. Y/N right?" You tried not to flinch at the over-friendly vibes the guy was using with you. From the corner of your eyes, you could see Namjoon chuckling at you while trying to hide his face behind a menu at a table not too far away from you two.

"Yes. And you're Minjoon, right?" You replied, playing nice. He was the son of your mother's friend afterall, the last thing you wanted was to cause a fight between the middle-aged ladies.

"Yup. I saw you walking in with another guy. Is he your..." He dragged his words, unable to continue his question.

"Boyfriend?" You finished the sentence for him, and he nodded with a sheepish smile. "Yeah."

Then, to your flummox, he exhaled all of a sudden with the word 'relief' practically written all over his face.

"Thank God! You see, the thing is, I have a girlfriend whom my mother is still unaware of, yet. So I guess we're on the same page now, right?"

Upon hearing that, you were so tempted to do a fistbump in the air but you were in the public, so you resisted yourself and grinned instead.

"Yes, Minjoon-ssi. Let's just try our best to make our mothers happy. They worry way too much for our love lives." You joked, and he nodded in response.

"Agreed. Actually, I've to leave now to meet my girlfriend. I'll see you next time if I see you again. I think?"

"Yeah, sure. Maybe at your wedding." You two burst out laughing at your words as you both stood up from your seats.

"You're funny. No wonder eomma likes you so much. Nice to meet you by the way." He stretched out his hand, and you gladly shook your hand with him.

"Nice to meet you too. Have a nice date with your girlfriend." You waved him goodbye, and sighed happily before running towards Namjoon who had been watching the whole situation quietly.

"Someone's happy." He grinned cheekily, and patted your head as if he was congratulating you, causing your heart to skip a beat at that touch.

"Y-yeah." You stuttered. "Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it."

"I didn't even do anything. And I still think that it's only reasonable if I pay you back to repair your phone."

"It's alright. But if you insist, just buy me a cup of grande-sized hot Caramel Macchiato from the counter over there." You replied while not-so-subtly pointing towards the counter in the coffee shop.

He laughed at your request. "Oh my God," he spoke in English, and once again, your heart fluttered at his non-native accent. "You're really good at this. Wait for a bit, okay? One hot grande-sized Caramel Macchiato coming right up."

You chuckled as he left the table to buy you your drink. Watching him with your head rested on your palm, you memorized his side profile as you watched him speak with the barista who kept nodding while punching in your order. Then, startling you, he turned his head towards you and grinned before turning back towards the barista again and spoke something obviously incoherent to you.

What is he up to? You thought to yourself while furrowing your eyebrows.

He was then seen scribbling something on the paper cup before handling it back to the cashier who was beaming at him. After waiting for another three minutes, Namjoon walked back towards you with two cups of coffee and handed you yours. You two left the coffee shop together and stood outside while facing each other.

"So," You started while warming your hands with your drink.

"This is where we'll be saying goodbye then." He said, and you nodded your head while trying not to look upset. "Sorry for destroying your phone."

"Thank you for pretending to be my boyfriend." You two grinned while shaking your hands together.

"See ya around, Y/N." He gave you one last nod before turning around and walked away, leaving you to watch his silhouette slowly disappear among the crowd.

Sighing, you thought about how funny your encounter with Namjoon was. It was then you noticed that something was written messily on the cup of your drink with a black Sharpie.

Text me ;) 010xxxxxxxxxxxx

- Namjoon -

You smiled.

× × ×

- End -

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