Chapter 3

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"Min, can you tell me now why you're so interested in BTS?"

He didn't respond for a few minutes.

I began to lose hope.

Then, the bubble appeared that said he was writing something.

I waited anxiously.

"Why do you wanna know so badly?

I was stunned.

Why did I want to know so badly? Did it really matter? Maybe he just wanted to know more about them. Maybe he just asked for my sake.

"......I don't know. I guess I was just curious. I'm sorry if i was being pushy."

"*sigh* If you want I could tell you...."

I was once again shocked. He was going to tell me? But why would he want to tell me when he kept avoiding the question for two years?

"Why now? Why not two years ago? Why would you openly tell me when you kept avoiding it?"

"I guess...... I feel like i could trust you more now than before. Back then we were just strangers... And now...I feel like i can trust you."

In that moment, guilt flooded into me.

I felt like I betrayed him by pestering him. I feel like i betrayed his trust. He was so willing to open up to me it made me feel guilty for pushing him all this time. He just needed to trust me and I felt like I abused that.

"I'm sorry for always asking. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I completely understand."

"It's ok I want to tell you."

For some reason, I was shivering in excitement and anticipation.


"The reason why I want to know so much about BTS is because....."

He was stalling.

He still wasn't sure.

But he wanted to try.

For me.

So i waited.

I waited until he was ready to spill what possibly could be his biggest secret.

"I'm related to one of the members."

I did not expect that.


Internet Friend (Min Yoongi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora