Chapter 13

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I was standing in line as I waited to enter the arena. I was so excited I kept jumping up and down. I also met a lot of ARMYs who were very nice and we talked a lot about BTS. Before I knew it we were in our spots and the concert was beginning.

I screamed along with everyone as the boys came on stage. They preformed some of their older songs like No More Dream and their popular songs like Fire and Dope. They also sang some of their songs from their new album. Everyone sang along with them and I think I saw some fans crying.

When they preformed their last song, which was Two! Three! it was time for them to say a few words.

Everyone was emotional. Kookie and Hobi cried a little and you could see that the rest were on the verge of tears. After Jimin thanked everyone for coming, it was time for Suga to say something. He was the last to go and after that you would go backstage to meet Min. But right now you focused on your bias as he said what he had to say.

He thanked everyone as well said that we were his rock and he wouldn't be here without us. When we thought he finished, he said something that made my heart stop beating.

"I also want to say thank you to a special person of mine. I met her over the internet and she is a very close friend of mine."

I could hear my ears ringing and my heart pounding. You could see the other members giving him encouraging looks and urging him to keep talking.

"As a matter of fact, she's here right now."


It can't be.

There's no way.

"Marie, even if I don't see you right now, thank you for everything."

He's Min?!?!

Internet Friend (Min Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now