Gary Harris: Goofing around in Philadelphia

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Philadelphia, PA,

Gary was soundly asleep beside Markelle Fultz at the hotel room.

Markelle Fultz: Get up baby.

Gary Harris: *Moans*

Markelle Fultz: Baby, are you up?

Gary Harris: Markelle, will you stop? I'm trying to sleep

Markelle Fultz: Baby..

Gary Harris: Stop...

Markelle Fultz: Okay, I'll let you sleep.

Gary Harris: Thank you.

Next, Gary gets up to get something to eat.

Gary Harris: Something's concerning me of late.

Markelle Fultz: What? Are you pregnant?

Gary Harris: I don't know. If I was, you would be surprised.

Markelle Fultz: What happened?

Gary Harris: That being said, my appetite changed, so were my sleeping patterns.

Markelle Fultz: My sister got pregnant before.

Gary Harris: Oh.

Markelle Fultz: Dude! I don't want anyone to know that I got you pregnant.

Gary Harris: No, it's not that. I mean, damn it! You know that guy, right?

Markelle Fultz: Who? Tobias Harris?

Gary Harris: Close enough.

Markelle Fultz: Someone that's in the mid 30's or something.

Gary Harris: Yes.

Markelle Fultz: do you know Devin Harris?

Gary Harris: I know him. My mind was asking what do you think he is? A sugar daddy or something?

Markelle Fultz: Wow.

Gary Harris: It's embarrassing, right?

Markelle Fultz: Yep.

Gary Harris: If that was him, I'll be damned for sure.

Markelle Fultz: I see.

Gary Harris: There was this guy named Andre Roberson. I was rumored to be dating Andre Roberson.

Markelle Fultz: Wow.

Gary Harris: But in the meantime, he wanted to see me.

Markelle Fultz: I see, but why didn't you dump him?

Gary Harris: I don't even know, he said he wants to date me.

Markelle Fultz: Oh.

Gary Harris: But in the meantime, Andre Roberson was telling me: Gary! I think we should have kids. I always have a protection with me just in case.

Markelle Fultz: The unplanned pregnancy, right?

Gary Harris: Dude! I was talking about it. Damn! Never told my parents about this.

Markelle Fultz: Why not?

Gary Harris: because I didn't want to tell that I was pregnant.

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