Parte 3

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Part 5 : A well-deserved rest

The following week passed without much trouble, Hermione was very happy not to see often Pansy Parkinson around, the Slytherin girl evidently had decided to study intensively in those last days of school, despite the promise of Hermione to help her during the exams. As Hermione had predicted, Harry had not taken well the news of the loss of the cloak that had belonged to his father, and she could not blame him for getting angry with her.

However Hermione had other thoughts in mind, the girl in fact had the fear of seeing her rival every time she turned a corner. But a part of her was missing Pansy and her wonderful feet that had bewitched her as the most powerful of spells. After several days Hermione had stopped wondering why she was suddenly attracted to something as dirty as another person's feet, besides no answer would have changed the fact that she was madly in love with those long toes with black polish, in love with those soft soles that seemed so natural in contact with her face.

Another big problem for Hermione was the fact that she could not keep an eye on the position of her new Mistress anymore , obviously Harry had immediately taken back his Marauder's map, afraid she might lose that too. The Gryffindor girl could not know that Pansy was much closer than she imagined. The girl with long black hair certainly did not need to study (with the help of her slavegirl she would have no problem passing the exams with very high grades) and she had decided to spend that week spying on the mudblood at her mercy. Potter's cloak had been very useful to her, Pansy could not believe how incredible it was to be able to move around the castle without being seen by anyone. Obviously the first thing she did was sneak into the boys' bathroom and watch them naked, but without losing control as the stupid Gryffindor girl. Later, Pansy had decided to follow her slave around the castle to see if the Amortentia had run out its effect and if the Granger was looking for a way to bypass the Unbreakable Vow. The Gryffindor girl, however, spent much of her time studying for exams and Pansy reassured herself, even though she was not able to put aside the fear that in some book of the library there could be something that could make her lose her new slave.

Thanks to the cloak Pansy was also able to enter the Gryffindor Common Room and follow Hermione Granger into her dormitory. For several nights the Slytherin girl had enjoyed playing with her prey, in fact as soon as Hermione fell asleep, Pansy put her sweaty socks on her nose and immediately the expression of the sleeping girl changed. Observing that expression of pleasure, Pansy was certain that the love filter was still working and she could only wonder what would happen when its effects would be over.

"I will enjoy much more to see you lick my feet with an expression of disgust on that ugly face, Granger." Pansy said quietly to Hermione's ear, who moved for a moment but did not wake up.

The day of the exams had finally arrived and Hermione entered the History of Magic classroom looking anxiously around. Pansy Parkinson had already arrived and was looking her straight in the eye. Hermione knew what to do and went to sit on the desk in front of that of her new Mistress. The Professor Cuthbert Binns arrived shortly after and the boring ghost, who teach History of Magic, sat down at his desk and started the test. Careful not to be seen by her classmates, Pansy leaned forward and whispered :

- Let's exchange our tests, Granger -

As Hermione began to write on Pansy Parkinson's parchment sheet, the Slytherin girl looked at her slave's test, thinking about what to do. Pansy would have loved to answer the questions badly and force the mudblood to do a disastrous test, but doing so she would have aroused suspicion. The professors would have wondered why the brilliant Hermione Granger had done such a poor test.

"I can not risk McGonagall investigating" Pansy thought, then she decided to wait for her slave to return her the finished test.

Hermione was quick and after just ten minutes the two girls exchanged their parchment sheets again.

- Very well, Granger - Pansy said softly, observing her test and then adding - I have a reward for you -

Hermione was taken by surprise when the Slytherin girl secretly handed her a pair of socks.

- I used them these days for my morning run, put them in your mouth and clean them while you do your test. Obviously you can thank me later -

Hermione immediately obeyed, she did not want her classmates to see her with a pair of sweaty socks in her hand... and then she could not wait to taste her Mistress's foot sweat again. The girl began to suck trying not to move her jaw too much and almost immediately that wonderful taste drove her crazy. Luckily, the test was the same of Pansy, if it was different Hermione doubted that she could do a good job...she was so distracted.

During the following subjects the scene was almost the same, obviously during the practical tests Pansy had to fend for herself but at the end of the day the girl was sure she had just made the best exams of her life. The Slytherin girl was so happy that she decided to "reward" her little slave girl again.

"My feet really need a soft tongue" Pansy told herself as she headed for Hermione Granger, who was once again alone.

After checking that there were no other people around, Pansy pulled her new invisibility cloak out of the bag and threw it to the mudblood.

- Wear this and follow me, slave -

Hermione had not noticed Pansy's presence and she jumped in fear, then her eyes rested on the cloak of invisibility and without being able to restrain herself, the girl asked :

- What am I supposed to do with it ? -

Pansy's left hand was fast as lightning and when she slapped her face, Hermione's eyes instantly filled with tears.

- Don't you ever dare question my orders again. You just have to obey, dirty mudblood - Pansy said angrily.

Hermione knew she should not make her rival angry, she could humiliate her in front of the whole school and ruin her life forever. That's why the girl threw herself at Pansy's feet and begged her classmate to forgive her by kissing her shoes relentlessly.

- Forgive me Mistress, forgive this stupid slave, it will never happen again - Hermione said, sobbing and wetting Pansy's shoes with her tears.

The girl then began to lick her Mistress's shoes but the Slytherin girl turned away and said once again:

- Wear that cloak and follow me -

While Pansy led her slave (now hidden under the cloak of invisibility) to the Slytherin common room, the girl could not help but rethink the previous scene.

"It's funny how the mudblood takes every opportunity to throw herself at my feet" thought Pansy smiling.

The Slytherin common room was much larger than that of the Gryffindors and Hermione admired with amazement the windows facing the depths of the lake. She knew that the Slytherin common room was under the Black Lake but she had never thought how beautiful it was to be able to see the sirens, the giant squid and all those other fantastic creatures that lived in those dark abysses. The place was deserted, most of the students were still dining in the Great Hall and others were probably having fun in the castle park to celebrate the end of the exams, but Pansy did not want to risk and she gestured to Hermione to follow her into her dorm. In this there were only three beds, but Hermione could not help but feel a strong envy in observing the three king-size beds that occupied the room adorned with great elegance, almost as if it was the room of some highborn lady. But there was no further time to admire that incredible place, because Pansy threw herself into her bed and, kicking off her shoes, she said :

- Come on slave, lick my tired feet... but do not take off your cloak -

Pansy knew her roomates could arrive at any moment and the girl had no time to waste with difficult explanations. Pansy just wanted to relax, after a difficult year she deserved a little rest and what could be better than the tongue of Hermione Granger who moved non-stop along her soles ? Hermione hurried to execute her Mistress's order and immediately she felt a thrill on her underbelly, Pansy's feet as usual were arousing her a lot. The girl began with delicate kisses on the toes of the Slytherin girl who laughed because of the tickling. Encouraged by that celestial sound, Hermione took out her tongue and began to lick in the middle of Pansy's toes, making her Mistress laugh louder and louder. Once again, the girl could not help wondering why she loved so much that taste, but one thing was certain, she would have licked those feet without stopping until her tongue had collected every drop of that precious foot sweat. Pansy allowed her slave girl to lick her feet ferociously for almost two hours, then she realized that her friends were coming back and she said :

- Go under the blankets and lie down, on your back, at the foot of my bed -

Hermione was happy to finally change her position, she had been on her knees at the foot of Pansy's bed for hours and she could no longer feel her legs, but she did not like the idea of spending the night under Pansy's blankets.

"I'm not claustrophobic, I'm not claustrophobic." Hermione kept repeating herself as Pansy undressed very slowly.

All the fears of the young Gryffindor were swept away as soon as Pansy lay down on the bed, slipping under the blankets, and placing her beautiful feet on her slave's face. Hermione's nose was trapped by the big and the second toe of her Mistress's right foot, and immediately the girl began to breathe deeply, basking in that incredible aroma. Pansy chuckled, she could not see her slave hidden under the blankets, but she could perfectly sense what the mudblood was doing.

A few moments later the dormitory door opened with a creak and the two Slytherins, who shared the place with Pansy, entered the room, heading towards their own beds. Pansy kicked Hermione to warn her to make silence ... not that it was needed, Pansy's friends seemed did not care about their "asleep" roommate and they kept talking loudly for several minutes. When the silence finally fell into the room, Pansy felt something wet touch her feet and with a smile she realized that her slave girl had restarted to lick her feet.

"Something tells me that tonight I will sleep wonderfully" Pansy told herself before closing her eyes.

Silence reigned over Hogwarts, in the cloudless sky there was a wonderful full moon and the sleeping castle seemed more magical than ever. In the dorms of the four houses the students slept peacefully, the exams were over and two days later most of them would have returned to their families for the summer holidays, while others would have started their career in the magical world and would have really entered the world of adults. Still three hours to go before sunrise and the girls' dormitory of the sixth year of Slytherin was as silent as the rest of the castle. Then Hermione Granger opened suddenly her eyes and, enveloped in darkness, the girl murmured :
- Where am I ? And what is it this acrid scent ? -

The effect of the potion had finally vanished.

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