Gender issues

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     My husband and I have been through hell & back.  Dealing with my bipolar illness and the other illnesses I have, while trying to be strong for Mae & Mary.  Last night Mary decided at 9 pm her bedtime to inform us she's transgender.  We didn't know what to say.  I told her that I would love her no matter what but she is only 12 and she's severely depressed and no decisions need to be made till she's stable and more emotionally mature.  She was not happy.  Found out the kids in her group at school are calling her another name.  Ugh!!!! After all we've been through.  I can't handle much more. 
     I've had a complex migraine today.  My husband took Mae to physical therapy today and he got a ride for Mary. He even went to grocery store.  What a great husband!!!!!!
     My right big toe had surgery on the nail.  It got ingrown.  This was in January.  I went back a few months ago and he found more ingrown nail.  Now it's red , painful and swollen.  They want to see me Wednesday.  I need Mae to pick up Mary for 2 days next week.  I don't know whether she can or not.  She's in so much pain. 
     I forgot to mention that Mary has decided she's atheist.   Oh no.  I'm a strong Christian and idk what to do about this.  I'm praying for her and we pray before meals.  She knows I pray for her and my beliefs.  She is definitely going her own way.  I know it seems like God has abandoned our family.  But, I know he hasn't. Please pray for our family.  Love & hugs Ann. 

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