Dealing with mental illness on trips

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     I just got home from my Dads.  My momma died in March so we talked, shared and cried a few tears.  It did me a world of good.  My bipolar wouldn't let me sleep some mornings.  One day I got up at 5:30 central time.  I tried to take naps due to my not sleeping well at night.  Bipolars have to have their sleep.  Also, I took my meds religiously.  I also crocheted some to relieve stress.  When you travel you have to make things as calm as you can.  Getting off your schedule can ruin a trip.  So here's my tips:
2. Try to have a calm schedule
3. TAKE YOUR MEDS, especially your anxiety ones
4. Do things that relax you. 
5. Just try to have fun.  It's not easy but us bipolar folks need fun as much as anyone else. 

     Have a great day.  Ann❤️❤️❤️

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