what the fuck were you thinking, bi**ch?!?!?

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Carlisle pov

As I heard a blood curdling , piercing shriek,  I ran as fast as  my immortal body would carry me.I was there in 2.1 seconds.  Esme  was holding into her neck,  slowly crunching her to dust. I tackled esme , and threw her out the window. She collected her wits and ran away. As I checked over bella,you could tell it was hard for her to breathe.she seemed to be choking  her own air. She seemed in pretty ragged condition. Soon, her heart was getting so soft it was hard for even me to hear. So I did the.most reckless thing~ I bit  bella. Then she arched her back, screamed in pain,  and all went silent.

 Meant To Be   (Twilight)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz