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FP Jones makes his way inside holding a birthday present for Jughead. Jughead confused looks at his dad. "Did Betty invite you?" he asks. FP nods. "yeah and even came to my work, that one doesn't give up does she. she knows what she wants." he says.

FP looks at Bambi. "where should I put this?" he asks. "uh I think there's a table in the den I'm not sure, I'll show you to it." Bambi says getting up and waving goodbye to Jughead. "I'll be right back alright." she says.

As FP and Bambi leaves Betty comes out and Bambi points to where they were at to tell her Jughead was in there. Betty smiles at her and heads inside.

Bambi shows FP the table and she leaves to go find someone she knew. she see Kevin and Joaquin making out in the kitchen and decides not to go in there and insteads finds Archie heading into his room Bambi followed. "Archie you okay?" she asks following him but he shuts the door on her. Bambi frowns before turning and heading back downstairs.

Bambi ends up passing FP and Joaquin making there way upstairs. it was like slow motion the two looking at Bambi as she made her way back down stairs. Bambi barely stealing a glanced at the two before she left to find Jughead, or Veronica or Betty she wanted to go home and wasn't in the mood for this party.

making her way to the front door she sees Jughead trying to leave but Cheryl and Chuck block his way before Cheryl announces that it was time to play a game. Bambi quickly goes to head to the back door but is caught by Cherly. "your not going anywhere go on take a seat everyone is participating. " she says before leading Bambi into the living room.

Bambi moves to sit next to Veronica. Bambi had a really bad feeling about this and didn't want to hear people spill serecets. specially if is wasn't there's to tell. As people start to confess from there drunken state Veronica ends up accusing Cheryl of incest and accusing her of Jason Blossom murder.

Chuck started talking about Betty and what happened that night. "that awful black wig looking like a hooker, but you knew all about that didn't you jughead."Chuck taunt at him having enough Jughead stands growing a punch to Chuck as he goes for another Chuck hits him making him fall into the table as Chuck goes to hit him again FP steps in and kicks him out.

yelling at everyone to leave and the party was over. people started rushing out of the house Bambi watch as Jughead and his dad talked about something. Bambi moved down the steps. "Jughead. " Bambi says trying to get his attention. "go home Bambi" he says not looking at her. Bambi moves closer to the two. "Jughead hey you need to talk to Betty " she says. Jughead turns to her upset. " I said go home Bambi." he says snapping at her. Bambi looks at him slightly hurt barely glancing up at FP.

"goodnight Jughead, Fp." she says softly before turning and walking away from the two and away from the kids leaving the party. Bambi ends up stopping at one point to take off her heels not used to wearing heels that long was making her feet ache. signing in relief she carries her shoes in her hands and continues walking down the dark street.

turning the corner Bambi was ambushed and hit over her head again. dropping her shoes Bambi tries fighting back but it was no used the mystery person wack her over the head again and she was out cold.

The guy grunted and picks her up. mumbling about how she's not gonna get away this time and next time and one sees her, she's going to be in a body bag.


short filler I know I'm rushing I really want to start on season two. season 2 plan so the rest of season one is gonna be rush ad short till I can get to season two where the real fun begins.

if you don't like that I'm rushing you can simply stop reading I won't get butt hurt.

love you.

the girl in the river (Riverdale)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon