Part 1

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*Buzz* * Buzz*, I awoke to my alarm clock as a normal day of school.  "Pssst!", I peered down to see my little sister Cora staring at me.  "You snore!" She laughed and ran out of the room.  I sat their on my bed, I don't snore! Do I? I got up and slid me feet into my bunny slippers.  As I walked downstairs I scrolled through all my social medias, I rounded the bottom  and walked into the kitchen.  " Morning mom," I said reaching for the cereal, which I then poured some milk into.  After I finished I dashed up to my room and got dresses.  Walking into my bathroom is the worst part of the morning for me.  I stepped into the room closing my eyes and turned the lights on.  I opened my eyes to see a scrawny girl with a tangled Afro.  (I don't have an Afro btw), I
laughed and continued with my morning routine.  After I finished I grabbed my backpack and started my daily walk to school, joined by a stray dog who usually accompanied me.  By my standards his name was Blake, Blake is a Golden Retriever.  Your probably wondering why in the heck Blake is not mine, well believe me I've asked quite a few times. I eventually came upon my school.  Pushing the squeaky handle inward and stepping in.  I pushed my way through the crowd toward my locker. Grabbing all my books and walking to my class.  My best friend in the whole world, Charlotte was waiting for me. 

"I don't know I did everything I usually do," I replied. 

"Whatever," she said and danced away.  The day was pretty much normal if you ask me.  Other than the massive storm that came up.  Huge clouds swirled in the sky, I finished up some notes and was packing my bag when the bell rang.          I grabbed my stuff dreading my walk home, I knew Blake wasn't joining me.  I stepped outside and shuttered as I started my walk.  Cora was about 6 and my mom usually picked her up, she didn't pick me up because apparently I'm "F A T" to her.  Block by block went by as my converse hit the concrete.  I opened the mailbox and grabbed the mail.  Strangely I opened the door ( The door is usually unlocked).  "HumMmm?" I said.  I stepped in, a strange feeling came over me. No lights were on so I guessed no one was home.  I shut the door behind me and walked up to Cora's room.  There huddled behind her desk in a ball she was. "Cora?" I asked. "Where's mom?"

"He's in the kitchen," she said nervously.

"He!?", footsteps came from under me.  I froze and gestured to her closet. She obediently went into the closet as I barricaded the closet. I ran to my mom's room because we had a handgun under the bed. He was getting closer, I could hear him. I loaded the gun. ( I can't shoot someone, I'm a wimp).  He was coming up the stairs now and fast. I peeked through the door crack and saw him.  Tall, skinny, and holding a knife.  He walked into Cora's room, and was moving stuff around. I knew for a fact was my barricade. If I was going to make a move, now was the time.  I turned the doorknob and flew into her room. My hands shaky and sweaty.  He looked at me in surprise and laughed. 

"Do it," he said no believing me.  I mean I wouldn't believe me either.  A scrawny teenage girl with a handgun. 

"What do you want," I asked.  He reached toward his pocket which I knew was his knife and I had to do it. (DO IT)! My mind read.  ( NOW)!  And then I pulled the trigger.

I hope you enjoyed my first part. You better wait and see how the next part turns out -Kristen

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