Part 4

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The rain started pouring as I sat on my bed waiting for someone to come through the door.

Even though I could hear muttering the rain was disturbing me. Making me think of the accident, when it was raining.

I eventually laid  down moving around ALOT trying to get comfortable.   Thunder echoed in Cassie's ears and lighting split the sky.

As I stared out the window I heard a faint knock come from my closet.

I put my blanket over my head and prayed to my LORD JEASUS, that this wasn't happening.

My closet squeaked and small footsteps approached my bed.

I was shaking so much you would totally know I was there.  Thoughts flew through my head and a thunder bolt pierced the sky making me jump.

"Psssst!" A small squeaky voice commented.

I peeked through my blanket sheet to see a small shadow near the edge of my bed creeping closer, and closer, and closer.....

I instantly put the covers back over my head and shook.

I jolted when a large substance landed on me making me squeal.

" I said Psssst!" It said.

"CORA?!" You scared the holy ba-Jesus out of me!!!  Cassie's shoulders realized and Cora climbed in my bed.

Then I instantly blacked out......


Thank you for the people that have made it this far in my book and I hope you continue to keep reading this.

What do you think will happen?

As always ❤️ from me!


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