◟◆⋯Chapter three⋯◆◝

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Three years till ...

" Z I don't fell so good ...." Nani says to Zabian, turning eight soon . He looked her over her she looked fine save for the sour look on her face .

" You look fine to me ." He says back ,now nine ,not amused by her play il she often did when she didn't want to do something.

" Sorry ..." She says looking down .

" Hey come on don't look so down it's your birthday ! " he says grabbing her hands .

" Your eight just like your big bro !" He says more enthusiastically to cheer her up . The short Eliatrope gives him a a tiered smile .

" I fell like an old dragons beard ." She try's to say happily.

" That's the spirit now let's get to class ." He says taking her hand and walking to the class hall .

Nanima was slow but kept up with his pace well . Soon they retched the room and entered taking sets at the large round table with a hole in the middle filled with class supplies.

They seated themselves next to each other and waited . Nani soon folded her arms and rested her head in them. Looking asleep. Zabian sighs not willing to bother her .

Other Eliatrope came in and got seated as well and not long after the teacher arrived. Class was in session and Nani was still out cold, Zabian tried to wake her but she didn't wake . He shook her again and this time her arm moved and showed her pink sweaty face and her uneven breathing.

" Teacher !" He yellsnot knowing what else to do . The teacher come over to him .

" Yes is there something you need ?" He questioned kindly.

" Nani she looks awful ! "The orange Eliatrope worry's .

" That's not very nice to say Zabian." Says the teacher scolding him .

" No sir look !!" he says gesturing to Nanima Urgently.

" oh my ." The old Eliatrope says as he looks at Nani he puts a hand on her head and quickly pulls away.

" My My she's burning up like a fried fambilian.!" The old teacher come back around the table mumbling things about not coming to school if your sick and silly kids . He takes some chalk and starts scribing on the wall makings quick work of it .

" This class is a portal circle we make these when going far distances having more people than a regular large portal can fit and having them stay open for long periods of time . " once he finishes he puts a hand on it and blue energy comes to his fingers and pulses through the chalk and turning into a portal.

" And They was my wakfu." The class oos and ahs at it wanting to try soon . The teacher walks over to Nani and picks her up cradling her like a baby.

" Now class we are going to to go to the healers for a surprise trip , come along ." He holds Nani with one arm and waves the class to go with the other . The children get up and fill the portal to the to there destination the healer room the teacher Nani and Zabian being the last to enter.

" Oh And what honor do we have of seeing you class today?" An Eliatrope woman in white says to the group.

" Ah my apologies you see little Nina has a high fever and needs to be treated so I throughly we could all learn a little about our health division." The old Eliatrope says holding out Nina to her and she takes Nani in to her arms. Zabian walks forward but the teacher stops him with his arm shaking is head, And Zabian steps back looking down.

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