◟⍚⋯Chapter Five⋯⍚◝

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Three years till ...

Since that day Chishō has kept in contact with Nanima consistently and Now Zabian as well. The three have become close and visit each other often .

Quietus the healer has also been checking in on the kids he's becoming closer to them like a father figure he visits every day now with out fail even if it only short Greetings or encouragement . Some times when they go to midday eating they see Quietus and Septimus eating together. Often having friendly conversations , the children go to them and sit eating together. This has been the normal for the last three years .

All of them functioning like a family, and the effects were life changing. Zabian became more open and now jokes around openly becoming more trusting to others , he has gotten new friends he never thought he could have and has more trust in Nani to take care of herself .

Nani was less of a cry baby and often asked for help with things she couldn't do herself, instead of getting frustrated and crying over it . She has more confidence and hangs out with Chshō a lot . He now felt like a brother to her .

Chishō was also feeling the affects of the family relationship. He is now very confident in his abilities as a dragon and is one of the top of his class . He talks to Nani as much as he can as they cannot see each other for days because of there scheduling. He is brave but needs a little work on his thinking.

But to them these have been accumulating over the three years. To them the most important thing righ now is : the ship will land soon .

That means they will finally have a new home . Everyone was anxious but happy for the landing, it had been announced a week earlier so all the Eliatrope could have time to prepare. It has also been announced that all orphans must have adults guardians before landing, for the reason they had no one to take care so many children.

The Adoptions would be announced at landing when all or the majority of people had left the ship a hopefully joyful time for the orphans.

Most of them tried to think of who would adopt them , Twins thought it might be the old man and woman who always said they wanted kids or perhaps a young couple ready to take care of a child. Some wished for siblings others wished to be an only child. Nina and Zabian tried to think they thought of the teacher Septimus or the old food lady Celest who the had visited every day at Eating time or possibly Quietus the kind and loving healer.

They all guessed and thought of who it could be until the day had come all too slow when the gathered them all to the exiting hall where children pushed and shoved to get to the front . Nani and Zabian where already at the front ready to see a new world .


*Three years later*

The landing ...

Nani was so nervous the eleven year old had never been out side the ship , and this was there new home. Zabian had more excited nerves he pushed people who got to close but they couldn't complain every one was shoving to be the first to see the world .

Then the humongous door began to lower , and it was like every one was holding there breath .

It lowered so slowly it seemed till it finally hit the ground with a soft clang .

Nobody moved ....

Till Nanima one of the smallest children stepped forward and walked . Zabian reaches for her but it was to late she was out of reach . She walk on and when she reached the end of the ramp the air was still and no one said a word. The she stepped on the ground and took a beep breath and looked back .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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