chapter 1

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Hey i know another fanfic i get it but i do have a lot of free time to take up so please enjoy and i do like to finish what i start. I like to free write all my story so don't think it will go as you think. So i hope you enjoy. I sorry for all of you fan of lilly and welf.

Orario 2 month before

When welf, lilly, and bell were walking back to orario from the 13 floor, when they are ambushed by a party of monster. The had killed about half of the monster when one of the monster shot an attack at the ceiling and caused the ceiling to collapse. When welf and lilly saw the ceiling collapse the grab bell and threw him out of the way and saved him, but when bell looked back he didn't see welf or lilly. He knew they didn't make it out because there was blood under the rocks.

The adventure in the area head the a loud noise and came running to see if they could help, but when they got there they saw bell on his knees look at where the ceiling had fallen. When the adventure got closer the saw the blood and went to check, so some of the other adventure took bell to the side so that he couldn't see if it was his friend or not. When they came back they told bell that the two who were dead was a female about 110 cm tall and had brown hair and there was a male about 175 and had red hair.

When bell heard the other adventure ask if they were his friend all he did was nod. At this point all bell wanted to do was yell and cry, but he waited until he got back up to orario and when he was alone. Bell didn't go back into the dungeon for around two weeks. During that time he didn't talk to anyone unleash the need to

Present time orario snowing

Bell is walking while thinking about what to get hestia for christmas, but then he got the idea to go to the dungeon and make some money so he could take them out to eat. It took bell half a day of killing monster to make enough money for them to go out to eat. Bell and hestia spent that night together having fun talking, when hestia and bell got back to the church hestia passed out on the couch and bell went outside to look up at the stars.

While bell was looking up at the stars aiz walked up. "Hey bell how are you?" when bell heard a voice he jumped. "Oh h-h-hi aiz and umm good h-how about you?" She found it funny when he stuttered. "Good, why are you outside?" At this point they are by Themselves in the middle of the street.

"I was just think about tonight and how it was probably one of the most fun nights that I've had in a long time." Bell is still staring at the stars. "Bell look at me for a sec." When bell heard this we turned so that he was looking at aiz. "Merry Christmas." When bell heard this he was about to say something, but then aiz took a step forward and their lips connect just for a second. Before bell could say anything aiz runs away. Bell just stood there confused and blushing like hell."Maybe I should go to bed." Bell walk into the room and lays down bed to sleep.

5 minutes before

While aiz is walking back to the loki familiar house, she sees bell looking at the stars. She decide to tell him marry christmas before she when home to rest for the night. Aiz and bell have a small conversation and after aiz think it about time for her to leave, but before she does she see she look at bell and thinks. "He looks so cute tonight." When aiz tells bell Merry Christmas, her body move on it own and kisses him. When she realizes what just happened she couldn't think of anything and run away in the direction of her familia house.

Present time

When aiz get back Riveria see her blushing, and decides to ask her about it. "Hey aiz is everything ok?" When aiz heard this she panicked and said. "N-n-n-nothing wrong." at this point aiz is running up this stairs to get to her room, but she is blocked by tiona and tione. "No you don't aiz, now tell us the truths." when aiz turns around to run, she sees riveria blocking the other path aiz knew she wasn't getting away. So aiz decide to make riveria, tiona, and tione go into her room before she told them the truths.

can love prosper?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora