Chapter 6

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The Styles siblings mum came over and Rose ran upstairs and locked her bathroom door. Gemma asked her to open up but she hasn't

Rose's P.O.V

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door then I sat down on the floor and I started crying think why did I do it in the first place

"ROSEMARY JULIA STYLES OPEN UP NOW" Harry and Liam's voice boomed through the door "Ah fuck sake everybody stand back" I could tell that was Harry "no Haz let Li do it" Gemma said "ugh fine all yours Li". Soon the door came wide open I try to run past but Liam has me

"LET ME FUCKING GO LIAM NOW" I scream "No we need to check that you haven't done anything to yourself" Harry came over to check my body and once Liam's grip loosened on me I ran for it. "GUYS STOP HER NOW" I then see the rest of the gang in front of the door so I ran to the window, cause it was open, and climbed out onto the roof then jumped down

"SINCE WHEN COULD SHE DO THAT" I heard Harry scream "SINCE YOU LEFT SHE DID IT TO GET TO YOU HARRY" "SORRY GEM BUT" I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation cause I ran and went to Lulu's, house.

Once I reached there I knocked like a lunatic on the door soon Lulu's mum opened the door "Hel- Rose Rose what's wrong come in come in" she walked to the living room, I walked in and shut the door then went to the living room "right Rose tell me what's wrong?" "I started to cut five weeks ago because of Mat and my flashback before I went to the hospital was when Harry was here before the X-Factor making pancakes I said 'yum pancakes' then Mat said I didn't need it because I was fat. So I stopped" I took a breath cause I was about to cry

"Then earlier mum asked why did I do it and I sent Harry a 'why did you tell her' look so I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom, Liam, Harry's bandmate, then burst through the door so I was about to run out of the my bathroom and my room but he caught me so Harry could see if I cut myself again so while Harry could the grip loosened on me so I made another run for it but Harry and Liam shouted "Guys stop her" so the rest stopped in front of me. I then saw my window open and ran to that and climbed out then I ran here. By the way is Lulu here?" I ask all out of breath "no she isn't she's on her shift but why did you not tell her, your mum I mean, why?"

I don't know what to tell her "I couldn't she would shout at me and hate me for ever same with Harry, Gemma and the others" I started to cry "aww hey shush it's ok Rose I will come with you to yours and you shall tell your mum" I nodded "let's go yeah" we walked out to go to mine

We reached home and I walked into the house to see Harry and the boys crying as well as Gemma. As soon as they heard the door close they looked up. Once they saw me they ran to me "Rose don't you ever do that again ok please" All the boys said "Hey Hey let me see her she is Gemma's and Mine little sister after all" Harry told them so they moved out off the way so Harry and Gemma could give me a hug "Dont you EVER do that again and I mean EVER cause I thought some one would get you and kidnap you" Harry's protective side kicking in.

Wait these people really cared about me.

"Rose don't you have something to tell your mum?" Lulu's mum Abby asked "I guess" so I told my mum everything while looking at Abby and she was nodding "aww baby why didn't you tell anyone" my mum asked "Mum it's harder then you think you know Harry asked me that once as well as Gemma and Liam but I couldn't tell them. That day when the boys took me to that place and we saw Mat in the car Liam was trying to calm me down but I couldn't cause of the multiple flashbacks that was happening and Harry was trying to calm me down too" "I am going to bed I don't feel well" "k night Rose" all of them replied

I went upstairs suddenly feeling like I am going to be sick "GEMMA" I tried my best to scream her name without the urge to be sick but it failed suddenly everything went black

Gemma's P.O.V

Rose came back and told Mum everything "I am going to bed I don't feel well" Rose told us "k night Rose" we all said. She then went upstairs "this is not like Rose at all" Harry sighed "GEMMA" we all heard a weak call coming from upstairs. I looked at the boys before running upstairs to see Rose on the floor looking pale "SOMEONE RING AN AMBULANCE NOW" I scream "Rose Rosemary look at me now. Rose can you hear me Rose please answer me. Rose answer me please" it didn't work "ROSE ANSWER ME. GUYS WHERES THE AMBULANCE NOW?"

A/n: do you guys like this or shall I just stop and do a different story altogether?
Let me know please?

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