Chapter 7

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An/ sorry been so busy with school last chapter I asked if you wanted more and tomstypaymalhor said yes so I am going to continue cause I am actually enjoying this anyways RECAP!!!

"GEMMA" we all heard a weak call coming from upstairs. I looked at the boys before running upstairs to see Rose on the floor looking pale "SOMEONE RING AN AMBULANCE NOW" I scream "Rose Rosemary look at me now. Rose can you hear me Rose please answer me. Rose answer me please" it didn't work "ROSE ANSWER ME. GUYS WHERES THE AMBULANCE NOW?"

Gemma's P.O.V

We are all on our way to the hospital Harry and I are with her and tbh Harry has been silent, well I am, he just looks at her pale and frail body I'm scared I ask myself what if she's dead? Why did I not notice this? Why? That's all I ask myself.

We finally reach the hospital and climb out of the ambulance and I pull Harry into a hug and say "she's gonna be alright Haz" but he just nods I'm worried not just for Rose but for Harry to. What if my thoughts are correct? How would we live without Rose? Just her being on that gurney feels so wrong why is it so wrong? Oh yeah maybe because she shouldn't be there it should be me and I bet Harry is thinking the same as me ugh why.

*three hours later*

It's been three hours and no one has come out to update us on her "GEMMA HARRY SIT NOW" Liam shouted "NO I CAN'T I'M SCARED WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD LIAM" Harry shouted and I ran out of the hospital trying not to cry. When I got out I sat down and cried what if she is dead? How am I-we going to live without her? She was the centre of us all she kept us together and if she's gone I don't wanna know what happens next all that I know is that the family is going to fall apart Harry is probably going to stay in his room all of the time and not eat' I'm probably going to be the same. The boys are going to try to get us to eat but fail. Mum is going to go into depression same with Robin, well we all are' the main person that will fall into depression is going to be Harry and I don't want that to happen.

"GEM GEM GEMMA" someone shouts I then feel my self shaking "Sis wake up the doc has an update on Rose" I must have myself to sleep. My eyes flutter open and I'm met with Harry and I start to cry again "hey hey shush it's okay she's gonna be fine trust me by the look on the docs face it looks like good news I'm sorry for the comment earlier but you know me I always think the worst I didn't mean to make you cry I love you" he wiped my tears away "come on let's go" he helped me up and we walked back to the waiting room where there was a doctor talking to our mum "sorry about that what was you going to say doc?" Harry asks and he still has me wrapped up in his arms "well the reason why she fainted was two things one was when was the last time she ate something?"

Shoot the last time she ate was two weeks ago the day after she was let out "two weeks ago the day after she was let out but she stayed in her room and I always brought food to her and when I came to take the tray away it was empty including the drink" I tell him but quietly I then run out feeling extra guilty she's in hospital due to me this is all my fault. "Gem this is not you fault come on" "Harry THIS IS MY FAULT SHES IN HOSPITAL DUE TO ME I DIDN'T CHECK IF SHE ACTUALLY ATE ANYTHING SO YES IT IS ALL MY FUCKING FAULT DON'T TELL ME THAT ITS NOT WHEN CLEARLY IT FUCKING IS HAROLD IM THE ONE WHO SHOULD HAVE CHECKED HER BINS BUT DID I NO I FUCKING DIDN'T SO YEAH IT IS MY FAULT" I scream at him "Gem no it's not we couldn't have known that she wasn't eating anything now c'mon let's see what the second thing was" he told me.

"Sorry again she thinks it's her fault" he pulled me back into the famous Harry hug "it's okay now the next thing is this" he pulls up a x-ray picture and it shows a mass of something in her lung "she has lung cancer type is non Small-cell lung carcinoma or NSCLC for short I'm sorry the treatment is surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy the survival rate is about five years but some can survive longer then that and I think she will cause she's strong and only strong people can survive longer then the survival rate" the doc tells us. What she has cancer.

Harry's P.O.V

The doc pulls up a x-ray picture and it shows a mass of something in her lung "she has lung cancer type is Non Small-cell lung carcinoma or NSCLC for short I'm sorry the treatment is surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy the survival rate is about five years but some can survive longer then that and I think she will cause she's strong and only strong people can survive longer then the survival rate" the doc tells us. What she has cancer. When he said that Gem and I started crying no I won't lose her.

"What stage is it?" I hear someone ask "so far late stage one where it is found in the lung but no where else and it is starting to spread so if we start chemo soon she has a longer survival rate as well she's awake and she knows as well so if you want you can go and see her now I'll so you her room" I feel Gemma getting up but I can't my chest is tense I start struggling for oxygen. People are talking but I can't make out what they are saying. I feel myself being lifted on to a gurney and having a oxygen mask put on my face. They started to talk to me but I can't make it out I felt a needle put into my hand and I slowly fell asleep.

Gemma's POV

Harry started to have an asthma attack after what the doc told us. We followed the doc to Rose's room and once she saw me her ace lit up "G-Gemma!"

Oh god this is going to be hard to tell her that she has cancer cause our Nan died of the same type but it was the last stage of the cancer stage four.

I looked at Mom and the boys and I could see the sadness in their eyes "um R-Rose we've um got something to um tell you" I started to say and I saw mom walk out with Robin behind her "wh-what is it?" I hate this. I cleared my throat and said "you've um got cancer. The um
cancer type is Non Small-cell lung carcinoma or NSCLC for short and its um late stage one" I walked over and she started to cry when I said that. I honestly hate to see her like this.

I know what's going to happen soon she's gonna fall into depression and not talk to anyone "Rose do you um wanna go on tour with Haz and the boys?" When I asked that the boys looked at me with a look that says 'are you sure?' I nod my head at them "Are you s-sure Gemma?" "Mhmm" "thank you Gem I love you so much" she says hugging me "I do too but on one condition you eat at all meal times okay?" She looks at me but I look back with a serious face "fine I'm sorry. Wait where's Harry?" "He had an asthma attack after what the Dr told us"

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