Chapter 5

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After ten minutes we finally make it to the top. I go to the edge and sit with my legs crossed. Zayn sits beside me.

He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He opens the pack and pulls out a cigarette. He sticks it between his teeth and offers me one.

I take one and put it in my mouth. He lights his then passes me the lighter and I light mine. He then turns to me and says, “You seem like the type of girl who would smoke. I’m trying to quit but nothing seems to work for me.”

I puff out some smoke and say, “Use nicorette quick mist. Works like a charm. I was in the same boat as you were with the whole “not being able to quit” but then I used nicorette quick mist and it cured me.”

He takes his cigar out of his mouth and says, “So you quit? Give me that!”

I put it back in my mouth and say, “Yeah I quit. But even when you do quit some days you feel like you need to stop, think, and smoke. It helps clear your mind. Even you can’t deny that. Right now is the perfect time to smoke just one.”

He nods and says, “True enough. What’s on your mind?” I put out my cigar and say, “Niall. I heard him say to you guys that I’m his “princess”. What does that even mean? Oh and I also saw the shocked look you all had on your faces. I’m just trying to puzzle it all through.”

Zayn nods and says, “He calls you his “princess” because he’s been waiting for you forever. He always tells us how he’s waiting for just the right girl to be his princess. And you’re the princess he’s been waiting for. Oh and we all looked at you in shock because we all imagined a sweet girl. Not a girl covered in tattoos and piercings. But I think you’re a cool girl. It’ll be a good eye opener for everyone.”

I nod and say, “Alright then. I’ll be his motorbike princess but not his castle princess. And hopefully the rest of them open up to me the way you have.”

Zayn nods and says, “Jess can you promise me one thing?”

I look out at the city and say, “Sure.” Zayn takes a deep breath and says, “Please don’t break Niall’s heart. I’m sure he’ll ask you to be his girlfriend soon and he’d be devastated if you said no. He’s waited for you forever and now that he has you he won’t let you go. Not in a million years.”

I nod and say, “You’d never break your wife’s heart wood you? I can see your ring.” He looks at me and says, “No I would never hurt her. I love her too much.”

I nod and say, “Exactly. No one can hurt the one they love. And I love Niall. I’d be honored to be his girlfriend.” Zayn smiles and says, “Fantastic. I’ll fully support you guys! Heck I’ll ship Ness! Hopefully the other guys will too.”

I laugh and lightly push him. He smiles and says, “They’re probably waiting for us to get back by now. We should go back.”

I nod and we start our journey back to Niall’s house.


Alright first off Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadian readers! (or Canadien however you spell it I'm bilingual so I do both)

Anyway I'm not going to do my normal speech I just wanted to update before the Canada Day celebrations.

I just wanted to say thanks for 17 reads!

Keep spreading the news!

Also go check out my fanfic 'Chills'. Not telling you what it's about so if you want to know go find out yourself! (see what I did there? :P)

Anyway have a fantastic day wherever you are and don't forget to...STAY FAB!!!

Thanks all of you amazing people! :* -Becca :)

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