Chapter 34

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---Niall’s POV---

   I walk into the hospital at 5 in the morning. I’m in my favourite sweatpants and t-shirt. I had a nightmare about Jess and I need to make sure she’s still ok. I walk into Jess’ room and see her chest rising and falling.

It’s only the day after the crash but it feels like she’s been asleep forever. I wonder what it’s like for her. Is it hard? Does she feel anything? Can she remember everything? Can she hear people speaking to her? Is it like she’s trapped inside her own head?

I decide not to worry myself over it. I’m stroking Jess’ hair when the same nurse from last night comes in and says, “I’m Roxanne. Back so soon?”

“Yeah. Nightmare.”

“I figured. If you’d like you can climb in the bed with her. No other nurses would let you but I find that it helps the patient and the other person. My shift ends in an hour so I’ll come back in just as it ends.”

“Ok. Thank you.”

She nods and leaves. I slip off my flips flops and climb into the bed beside her. I put my arm around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know Roxanne is shaking my shoulder and saying, “Wake up. I’m going to leave soon.”

“Ok. Thank you so much.”

“No problem. I’ll be back at midnight. Don’t wait for me though. I’ll just tell you to go home.”

She smiles as I get up. I slip on my flip flops and take a seat in the chair. I know John and Cassandra won’t be here till later because they’re calling around to friends and family to tell them about Jess.

I look at Jess and she looks happy and peaceful. I think Roxanne was right and cuddling helped her.

It helped me too because I could feel her breath, so I knew she really was ok.

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