Chapter 41

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"Ok Jessica, you're all good to go home. Make sure you eat and drink well and rest up. No really labour intensive work and make sure to take your medication every day, twice a day, until it runs out."

I nod and the nurse leaves. It's been two days since I woke up and I'm extremely happy to be going home. I change out of the hospital gown and put on some baggy shorts, an old t-shirt, and my flip-flops.

Niall grabs my things and helps me into the wheelchair. He gently places the bag in my lap and pushes me out of the room. We soon make it out to the front doors.

Niall goes and gets his car, while I wait by the front door. Soon he arrives. He helps me into the car, then returns the wheelchair. The whole drive home he holds my hand.

I just can't believe that I'm lucky enough to be engaged to this man.

When we get home he grabs my bag and walks with me to the door. When we get in the house I start going upstairs to shower. Niall walks behind me to make sure I don't fall. I go into the bathroom and am about to start a shower when Niall starts running a bath.

I smile and kiss him on the cheek. Then he leaves. I grab a clean pair of clothes and put them on the bathroom counter. I also grab a towel and place it on the edge of the tub. Then I take off my clothes and lower myself into the soaker tub.

I turn on the jets and sit back to relax. I put my left hand on the edge of the tub so I can admire my ring. I've been doing that since Niall slipped it on my finger.

It's just so beautiful.

After an hour I finally wash up and get out. I put on my clean clothes and brush my hair. Then I go downstairs and lay down on the couch.

Soon I hear the garage door open and Niall comes in with a slurpee. I smile as he sits down beside me and hands me mine.

I shift so my head is perfectly in the gap between his arm and body. I immediately relax and enjoy cuddling with my fiancé.

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