Noa and Harry

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for noa, hope you likey <3

this ones a little more lovey dovey, and its from harry's POV, its sad. I LOVED WRITING IT :) 

(the song i based it off of is on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>)

What if love was just a joke?

What if all this time, we were dawned on the fact that we were really just incapable of truly loving, this love doesn’t exist. Maybe I’m delusional. Maybe if I could have a perfect love, these thoughts would never come to my head.

I watched you cry

Bathed in sunlight

By the bathroom door

You said you wished you did not love me anymore

Her picture burns in my mind, I wish to touch every inch of her face and I long her kiss.  It makes no sense for me to have to sit here all alone, only to reminiscence about before and drown in my own tears. It drives me insane, the thought of not having her with me, but indeed with someone else.

I have grown to become an insomniac, refusing to move on from the relationship that tore itself apart. I knew that one day it would happen, she was never completely with me – but it couldn’t have happened so fast, I deny that it ever did.

You left your flowers in the backseat of my car

The things we said and did have left permanent scars

She had promised.  She had said that she would not leave me. Ever. I trusted her, I thought that forever was really until the day the earth ended in devastation. “I’d never leave you Harry, you know that. I promise that it will be you and me, together forever. I love you Harry.”

Forever. I could just hear Mrs. Bucket talking to me in the back of my head. Ah, yes, well, sometimes when grownups say forever, they mean "a very long time."

Obsessed depressed at the same time

I can't even walk in a straight line

I've been lying in the dark no sunshine

Most times, injuries are pains that cause abrasions on our skin. Most times, these injuries are physical pains. These pains are visible, they can be read like an open book and people know that you are this way.

I stay in my dark and disordered house all day, because my injuries can as well be seen by others. They are wounds in my heart. I lurk about, pale faced and wide-eyed, my stiff posture giving off my uncomfortable presence.

Never have I hated anyone more than that blonde haired, blue-eyed boy. Never.

I had been gone for a while, finding publicity around and about, attending events. Back then, I had no idea how selfish and foolish I was being. Leaving to upgrade my social status, leaving her all alone to deal with both of our lives back home. I knew that it wasn’t right to abandon her, but I still left.

I guess Karma comes back around.

She cries

“This is more than goodbye

When I look into your eyes

You're not even there”

It was a phone call that ended it all. 

Some say that a breakup over the phone met that the one detaching the bond had no gut; it meant they weren’t strong enough to say the words to the other’s face and that they thought it would hurt less than doing it in person.

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