Amusement Parks...

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Hi guys!!! I live in Florida so this page is based off of the amusement parks in Orlando. If you have never been to any of the places I mention on this page, they're awesome and make a great vacation spot!!! Luv you all and thanks for reading!!


-Island Of Adventure-

1) Talk in rhyme in the Dr. Seuss area.

2) Give people the gross beans from the Harry Potter area.

3) Pretend to be a wizard and "zap" every one with your "wand".

4) Try to take a bag with you on the Hulk.

5) Try on multiple 3D glasses on the Amazing Spider-Man.

6) Poke people with a straw near one of the dining carts.

7) "Fall asleep" in a busy line, but don't let people step over you.

8) Steal candy from one of the candy stores, and leave a note saying you stole food. Sign it "Harry Potter"

9) Read this section out loud in a busy line.

-Universal Studios -

1) Wear a banana costume.

2) Claim you got in using a Disney ticket.

3) Ask people for a bite of their hot dog.

4) Fart occasionally.

5) Run crying out of the Barney show.

6) Ask to audition your pet for the animal show. Make your pet a fingernail clipping.

7) Eat a packed lunch in a restaurant.

8) Whisper "I have to poop" to the person sitting next to you on a roller coaster.

9) Read this section out loud in a busy area.

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