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Thanks to sophiesmiley11 for the great idea!!!



1) Eat their food.

2) Sing annoying songs in their room at night.

3) Jump on their bed.

4) Sit in their place at dinner and refuse to move unless they give you their dessert.

5) Wear their clothes.

6) Ask dumb questions.

7) Pick your nose in public.

8) Name their food.

9) Use their shampoo.

10) Give them fake word searches.

11) Smell their hair.

12) Wear a paper crown in public.

13) Find a stick in your backyard. Name it Sticker. Poke your sibling with sticker.

14) Put squeaky dog toys under their pillow.

15) Set a timer in their room to go off 12:00 in the morning.

16) Hide their phone.

17) Buy them stupid birthday presents.

18) Kick their chair.

19) Use their money to buy stuff.

20) Sing in the shower about all the things they have done wrong.

21) Tell their secrets to their friends.

22) Tell them that someone's at the door and they want them to go over there.

23) Make them get your drink at dinner and cry if they don't.

24) Play kazoo loudly in their ear.

25) Pull off the classic "Let it Go" when they're using the bathroom.

26) Talk in hash tags.

27) Take selfies with them in the background.

28) Claim to know something they don't know. When they ask you what it is say "If I told you, then you would know."

29) Pretend to look at their text messages.

30) Read this out loud to them when they are in the shower. Use a microphone for extra effect.

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