Chapter Six

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I woke up to my alarm, as usual, and shut it off then laid back down for another five minutes before getting up and showering. After showering and drying my hair, I walked back into my room and got dressed. I pulled on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a KISS shirt. I so pulled on my checkered belt and converse before going back into the bathroom and doing my hair and eyeliner.

I grabbed my bag, ate something and then got into the car with my brothers and drove them to school. After wishing them a good day, I drove myself to school.

I made the mistake of walking in the front way.

"Hey look! The emo bitch is back!" Jonathan said. "Anymore of you're creepy goth drawings?"

"Leave me alone," I spat. I was tired and annoyed.

"Why?" a prep sneered. I glared at her.

"Because I fucking said so," I said.

"Make us, little freak," Jonathan challenged, walking closer to me. I backed up against the wall.

"Don't touch me," I growled. He pushed me up against the wall.

"What you gonna do about it? Go cut yourself?"

"You should just kill yourself already," the prep laughed.

I could easily fight the prep or any prep and win, but not this guy. He was easily six foot and ridiculously muscular. He sneered at me.

"Where you gonna run, emo freak?" he laughed. I never understood why he always messed with me.

"Anywhere but here," I said, kicking him in his balls. He doubled over and I made a run for it but he grabbed my wrist, squeezing it hard.

"Let me go!" I said. He was going to say something hen he lost his grip and was punched in the face. I fell back.

"You okay?" the guy asked. I had no idea who he was.

"Uh, I guess," I said. I stood up, brushing dirt off my ass.

He looked at me, and I looked away. He was a little taller than me, but shorter than Dennis , who was like, 6'2 or something. This guy had dark brown hair, and it was straightened, but not like mine or Dennis's. Just, simply straightened, no styling done. He had light brown eyes and a sideways smile. I would say he was attractive.

"My names Mike," he said. I nodded.

"Uh, I'm Jay," I said. He smiled again.

"You seem nice. I'm sorry about that asshole. Want to see a movie tomorrow with me?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, sounds fun," I said. He smiled and I smiled back awkwardly.


"Yes. I have to go, see you tomorrow after school," I said. I waved and walked away. I ran into Dave and Dennis . I think Drew was with Rebecca.

"Hey," I said. They both smiled at me.

"Hey," Dave said. Then he studied my face. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good. Just got asked to the movies. Pretty sure its a date," I said. Dennis looked at me.

"What did you say?" he asked. I looked down.

"I said yes," I replied, a smile creeping over my face. I looked up in time to see Dave looking protective and Dennis's face fall ever so slightly. I was sure I imagined it, but it still hurt.

"When?" Dave asked, meaning the date.

"Tomorrow after school," I said. 

"I have to go. See ya," Dennis muttered before turning and leaving quickly. I wondered what that was about.

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