Chapter Eight

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It was an hour before our show and we were had just finished practicing. We walked out, loaded up out equipment and got in.

We all sat in Drews black minivan, driving to the show we had tonight. Dave was tapping a drum beat on his leg.

"Dude, why am I so nervous?" Drew asked. I shrugged.

"I dunno. Probably cause Rebecca's gonna be there," I offered.

"Most likely," he laughed. Rebecca and his date was tomorrow.

A few minuets later we pulled up and got out. Some crew people came and helped with our equipment and set it up. We waited backstage, before they called us out and then ran onstage.

"You guys ready for the best night of your fucking life?!"  I yelled into the mic. We got cheers and that's when we started the show.

We did covers of Scream by The Misfits, Never Give In and Beautiful Remains by Black Veil Brides, This Means War by Avenged Sevenfold, Enter Sandman by Metallica, and then a few of our own songs. When the show ended, we walked off with the crowd cheering.

"Dude, we have some people back here wanting pictures and autographs," Drew laughed. I smiled and walked with them to where there were about five people there, phones out and everything.

"You guys rocked like, holy shit. Can I have a picture with you?" some guy asked. I nodded and posed with him, and then so did the rest of the band. Once everyone else got their pictures and things signed then we went back to get our equipment.

"Hey, Dennis is here," Dave told me. I looked up to see Daniel standing against a pole. I laughed and walked over.

"So how was the show?" I asked. His face lit up.

"Fucking awesome! Oh, here's your necklace I promised you," he laughed, handing it to me.

I laughed. "Thanks."

"So," he muttered. I slipped the necklace on. It was Gene Simmons face with his tongue out.


"I also got you a stuffed Batman," he laughed, bringing it out from behind his back.

"Oh my god he's beautiful!" I said, taking it. Dennis laughed.

"What are the bands plans for tonight?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Were gonna go out to eat and Mike wanted everyone to come hang at his place," I said. Dennis bit his bottom lip, tugging at a lip ring. Actually, he had his silver studs in.

"Cool..." he dragged.

"Yeah, you coming?" I asked, looking at him. He smiled crookedly.

"Sure, why not," he muttered.

We finished some more autographs and pictures, then loaded up our equipment and got back in. Dennis and Rebecca were with us. I had previously been looking around for my family to say 'hi', but I guessed they left early.

We ate out at a restaurant then went over to Mikes. We all walked in and I noticed Mike when he noticed me. He opened his arms, so I sat down beside him and he wrapped them around me.

"Sorry I couldn't make it to your show," he said. I shrugged.

"Its fine," I told him. Although I would have liked to have him there but whatever.

"Where'd you get that necklace its awesome," he asked. I looked at Dennis .

" Dennis gave it to me," I said. I smiled at Dennis , he was stuffing his face with pizza.

"Hand me a piece!" I called to him. He handed me two.

We watched movies and Mike kept kissing me and started a make out session in the middle of a movie I was trying to watch.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to watch this," I laughed. He pouted and we continued to watch the movie. Dennis stayed away from me and Mike.

Once it was late enough that Dave had already passed out on top of Drew who was asleep as well, and Dennis had droopy eyes that eventually closed and I was already feeling like dream-land, I got up and learned down to give Mike a quick kiss.

"I'm taking them home. Night," I said. I nudge all three of them awake and got them out to Drews minivan. Rebecca helped.

"How are they asleep already?" she asked. She was still wide awake, side effect of a night of chugging Monster energy drinks.

"They didn't have as much Monster as you," I laughed. Rebecca drove, since she was the only one still awake enough. I sat in the back with Dennis and Dave and Drew sat up front.

"Mmm," Dennis mumbled beside me, falling back asleep.

He leaned over, and since he was too tall to lay his head on my shoulder without waking up with neck pain, he laid his head in my lap. I didn't move him, because he was sound asleep and looked peaceful. Dave on the other hand, had slumped against the window. He was asleep, too.

"Those bastards still asleep?" Rebecca laughed. I laughed back and nodded.

"Out cold," I yawned. I stayed awake till we had dropped everyone off but me and Dave. Rebecca, I guess, was staying over at Drew's tonight.

I got out and walked in. It was like, eleven, almost twelve. The show plus all the movies we watched killed the time. I walked in, said good night to my waiting mother in the living room and walked up to my room. My dogs were sound asleep in the hallway as I walked in. I fell onto my Ned, and everything went dark as soon as I hit it. Because Drew had his date tomorrow and I had work.





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