trailing blood ❥ leon kuwata x suicidal! reader x mondo oowada

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WARNING! Mentions of suicide. You've been warned.

This takes place before the killing game.

"Well, I never loved you anyways! I only dated you to get her attention!" Those words were like bullets that shot (Y/n) where she was weakest. "Your dumb and ugly anyways!" The girl began to cry. "Now get out of my dorm! I don't wanna see you're ugly face anymore." Leon hissed. (Y/n) whispered something.

"I didn't hear you, speak up!" Leon demanded.

"I SAID FUCK YOU!" She screamed, tears rolled down her face and chin. "IF YOU DIDN'T CARE FOR ME THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DATED ME! YOU CAN'T JUST MAKE SOMEONE LOVE YOU THEN CHECK OUT!" Her sudden outburst shocked Leon. (Y/n) was quite the sweet, quiet girl. Leon's shocked face contorted into an enraged one.

"Get the fuck out." He spat. The heartbroken, used girl then fled the dorm room and retreated to her own. She sobbed and weeped all night long. Calling out for Leon. Of course she should be angery at him and not even want to think of him, but there was still s place for him in her heart that she just simply could not carve out. She cried until her body ached and there were no more tears left to cry. Then she fell asleep.

The next morning she woke up. Dark bags under her red puffy eyes. She took a shower, and clawed at her skin. Trying to get his touch off of her. She didn't want to feel him. But she did. She got ready and put on a happy facade. No one knew what she just went threw. A break up after 10 months is a lot to take in.

As she walked the halls, a smile on her face, she got very intense glares from other people. She entered the dinning hall and went to go sit with her group of friends. They all stared wide-eyed at her. She tilted her head.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"As if you don't know!" A voice growled from behind her. She jumped and spun around only to come face-to-face with her best friend, Aoi Asahina. "The whole school knows you cheated on Leon with Mondo. You're fucking unbelievable." She hissed.

"H-Hina, I—"

"Don't call me that. Only my friends get to." She then pushed (Y/n) down and walked away. He group of other friends following behind her. She covered her mouth and looked around at all the faces glaring at her. Tears filled her eyes. She ran out of the dining hall and to her dorm. After crying, again, she fretfully went to her locker. A bunch of notes then rained fury in her.

'Kill yourself'

She That's all she could gather from the notes. Her head spun. She wanted to just forget about it. But she couldn't. She collapsed to her knees.

"This is it..." She whispered.

"No. It's not." She looked up. It was Mondo.

"M-Mondo!" She jumped up and wiped her tears away. "I-..." She sighed and looked to the ground. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get involved in this. I hope I haven't ruined anything." He pulled her into a hug. She was shocked and squeaked a bit when he did this. It was quite unusual for someone like Mondo to be engaging in physical activity with another person, unless he's beating them up.

"I know what people say you did isn't true. Because I know for a fact we haven't done anything. So, you don't have to apologize. You did nothing wrong." She smiled, a fake one, and hugged back. When they pulled apart she smiled up to him.

"Thanks Mondo. You're great!" She beamed, then skipped off.

This doesn't fix the fact that...Leon's not hers anymore. He's gone. He doesn't love her. He never did. It was nice to have someone to look up to now though. I mean, since all her friends hate her. She trudged to her dorm. She was sick. She was hurt. She was broken. She didn't even care about school. She wanted to just lay down and never get up.

A few hours past. She gone mad. Everything in her dorm was torn up. She was crying, but laughing too. Everyone hated her. And she hated her too. Her madness quickly faded into sadness. She was going to end the pity being that's herself tonight. As she cut into her flesh the pink liquid trailed down her arm. She was in the bathroom floor.

"(Y/n)?" Mondo then walked into her room to check up on her. "Are you here?" He walked into the bathroom. And stopped.

"No..." he whispered. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" He yelled. (Y/n) began to cry. She tried to do it again but Mondo quickly snatched the blade from her. She clawed at him arm trying to get it back. He threw into the toilet and flushes it down.

"NO! PLEASE!" She sobbed still attacking his arm. He collapsed to the ground in relief and picked her up. He cradled her in his arms. "No...n-no..." She sobbed. He pet her head and shushed her.

"It's ok. You're ok." He let out a sigh of relief as he leaned against the bathroom wall. "You're ok..."

"No, I'm not."


Sorry this was really rushed. I wrote this on the bus so lmao yeah

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